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I wonder why Luna's like this? Maybe it was because of Emerald and Sky, or maybe she had a hard past? I shrugged to myself, there's millions of possibilities as to why she's like this. I should ask her sometime but now isn't the right time at all done we've just met.

"So what are you guys doing here?" Manic asked and Luna still didn't look up from her book. "We were just following an energy force and happened to find this place" she said in a matter-of-fact tone. Rachel nodded and started to make Luna's book float out of her hand. "Hey!" Luna said and Rachel shakes her finger at her. "You're being very rude, they just want to help!" Rachel said with a frown, making Luna groan in annoyance.

".....You kind of remind me of her" Luna said sadly as she lowered her head. Rachel gave an apologetic look and patted her shoulder in a reassuring way. "We'll find her, don't worry about it" she said softly. Luna could only nod at her but still remained sad. "Hey Luna?" Manic said and Luna looked up at him.

He placed his fingers on the corners of her mouth and raised them up so it looked like she was smiling. Luna kept the smile in place and her cheeks were a little pink. Guess someone has a crush!
Manic smiled at her, "Yeah, keeping smiling like that from now on, okay?". Luna nodded and kept smiling. "O-okay" she said and I felt a nudge. I turned and saw Emerald there, she was looking at Luna. "I may not know much about Devilhogs like Sky does but I'm pretty sure she's good" she said and I nodded. "And this is why you're the best sister" I said smiling at her.

She tilted her head in confusion at me. "Best sister?" She asked and I giggled a little at how childish she was. "Yeah you give people a second chance when they need one" I answered and patted her shoulder. She rolled her eyes, "Oh please, it ain't always sunshine and butter!"

We laughed quietly at each other. I felt an arm wrap around my waist and I looked up to see Sonic kissing the side of head. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder recieveing another kiss but it was on my ear. "Okay I know you're both together but still, you can suck faces like there's no tomorrow when I'm not around" Emerald said, looking away disgusted.

She turned and walked away from us towards the stairs. "Where are you going?" I asked and Emerald gave me a look. "I'm going to Narnia, what the fuck does it look like? I'm going upstairs" she sassed and I laughed. "Thanks for pointing that out, Captain Obvious!" I said and boy did we shoot names at each other in a joking way.

"You're welcome, Sargeant Sarcasm" a Emerald shouted back.

"Indeed, Comrade Comeback"
"Thank you, Senior Smart Ass"
"Anytime, Dictator of Dick Head"

Everyone just laughed at our behavior and Sonic snuggled his head into the crook of my neck. I giggled at how his nose was tickling me. "You like that?" Sonic teased and started to tickle me even further making me laugh. "Sonic, stop!" I giggled and Sonic laughed at me.

He kissed me and sighed, "I love you".
I smiled at him, "I love you too".


That voice, it sounded familiar but where did I hear it before? It sounded distant but something about it scared me. Why was it scary to me? I looked around and saw everyone, Emerald was upstairs but..... Where is Sky? Sonic noticed how I was looking around the place and tried to figure out what I was looking at.

Before I could tell him a bright flash of white consumed my vision.

The same voice spoke with a maniacal laugh. I saw a hedgehog with claws poking out of his gloves, his spikes all messed up, and.....
I gasped in horror. That denim jacket, is that Sky? But the voice now sounds demonic and evil, there's no way that's Sky!
"(Y/N), I've been waiting for you....."
He smirked and attacked me, causing the vision to end.

I didn't realize how taken aback I felt, my head was dizzy and my legs felt weak. "(Y/N)?" Sonic said as he caught me since my legs gave in. "I...." I couldn't finish my sentences since so many voices entered my head.

What's going on? I looked at my arm and saw my gem was slightly cracked. "... No way" I breathed out and Sonic followed my gaze. He's face looked horrified. "No this.... this can't be happening" he whispered to himself in panic and looked around.

'E-Emerald, I need you' I spoke and soon heard loud footsteps running down the stairs. Emerald ran over to us and looked worried. "What's wrong?" She asked and checked if I was sick or injured. Then she saw my gem and covered her mouth, I could see tears forming in her eyes. "N-no, this can't be!" She cried softly and Shadow ran over to see what was wrong.

It was like being told I had cancer, the shock paralyzed me completely. I couldn't move or speak, all I could do was watch as my sister cried in front of me. So me and Sky are now vulnerable? What's going to attack me?

Haha I've found you!
'W-who are you?' I asked in fear as another laugh was heard.
It's a shame you don't know, I'm very close to you!

Sky..... That's where I heard that voice before, it was from my nightmare 2 nights ago. Now this made me question even more, is Sky a demon? Is this why he's always quiet and never speaks? He was hiding this from all of us all along!

'Sky, why are you doing this?' I asked again and he sighed.
"Because who isn't, you need to know what it feels like. Even the truth hurts the most"

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