Extended Blurb

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Life's not a doughnut, and so it does not need to be sugar coated.

"I was going to tell this story about the events of my life in a way so it was filled with sappy romance, a problem that was soon solved and then a nice happy ending. But that would mean I was lying to you, and I've never really been a good liar. So in advance, I'd like to apologise for the undeniably awful truth I'm about to bestow on you. But life's not a doughnut, and therefore should not be sugar coated."


Nora Baxter didn't just screw up a little. She screwed up a lot.

Moving back to her hometown for the summer was not Nora's idea of fun. Neither was the idea of facing all those people who now hated her, especially her ex-boyfriend Will and his sister, Mia. The two people who had been her un-biological family for most of her life.....until she ruined it all in one night.

You know what? Why don't I just let her tell you what happened.


A/N: Thank you to Campervangirl2000 for making the cover for this book. I love it!

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