Chapter Twenty.

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Chapter Twenty.

We stay in awkward, angry silence for ten long minutes. I should know; I counted them.

After ten minutes and forty-six seconds, Harry speaks, breaking the cold ice set between us. ''Have any idea of where she can be?'' I feel his eyes on me, so I decide to shake my head at him instead of talking.

''Why are we even looking for her? She left on her own accord.'' Harry sighs, his hands tightening on the steering wheel.

''To set Niall's mind to rest.'' I grit my teeth together, uncomfortable.

''Well I'm sure she's fine, or else she would've called back or left a note.''

I give the boy a sideways glance. Is he serious? He's actually talking to me?

He suddenly glances over at me and sees me giving him a look. He grins brightly, flicking his head back to the road. What's the matter with him?

''Well? Don't you think so?''

Now, see, the thing is, I hate agreeing with people I hate. Or dislike, as others say. And in this moment, I don't feel like agreeing with Harry, even if he is correct.

So I don't.

I just ignore him.

Which is what I always do.

So it's not a surprise when Harry groans and sighs, when I don't answer.

I continue to glance out of my window, wondering where Sam could be. I wonder why she didn't leave a note. Any normal person would have.

I suddenly give a café a double-take, seeing a blonde girl behind the counter, taking orders. Harry doesn't seem to notice as I yank my seatbelt off and place my hand on the door handle, ready to jump out.


''Stop the car, I've seen her!''

''What? Where?'' he asks, as he slowly stops the car.

Impatient, I climb out of the car as it's still rolling to a stop. I run across the road, hearing horns being honked behind me as I dodge the cars on the street. When I reach the door, I pull it open, seeing Sam's face freeze as she sees me. She glances to the right, where a boy is sitting and then back at me.

''Sam? I've tried calling you! What the hell?'' I cry, realising we'd all got flustered and worried for nothing, really.

''I- uh, I can explain. Come to the back.''

Furious, I stomp after her as she quickly passes a few words with a man and he nods, letting us through to the back, where we can talk privately.

''Explain. Now.''


I watch in horror as she leaps from my car and runs across the road, cars screeching to a halt so as not to hit her. ''Sage!'' I yell, my eyes wide. She could get killed!

I turn my car to the left, against the curb and park up, locking it as I wait for the other cars to pass. Impatiently, I tap my foot on the ground, sighing in frustration as I watch Sage and Sam disappear into another room.

When the road's clear, I sprint over to the café and hurry to enter the room they went in before anyone notices me.

''How could you?!'' I hear Sage's voice scream at her cousin.

I can't hear Sam's reply as I shut the door behind me and take a few steps into the room, to find them.

''You mean bitch! You've hurt him!''

I turn the corner of the room to see Sage and Sam standing close together, Sam taking a few steps back to put space between them.

''Ha-harry,'' Sam stutters, her eyes glancing at me for a second. Sage growls and turns back to face me, giving me a look. Then she turns back to Sam.

''What's going on?'' I ask, folding my arms across my chest in an angry manner.

''Well, Sam here- '' Sage gets cut off by Sam lunging herself at her, ''Don't, please don't. I'm working on it.''

Sage pushes her back and is about to do something worse than pushing when I grab her wrists and pull her towards me. Her face smashes against my chest and she screams against it, making me laugh.

''Stop, it tickles.'' I chuckle, pulling her tighter, sensing she wants to get free and attack her cousin. ''Ow!'' I cry, watching as Sage pulls her head back and laughs at me, suddenly. ''You bit me!'' My mouth is set in an 'O' shape.

''I did,'' she nods, smirking lightly. ''And you still don't let go.'' Sage raises an eyebrow, musing.

I look down at her, her green hair and her mouth, set in a funny, cute smile. I raise my eyebrow as well, my lips twitching upwards. ''That's probably left a mark.''

''Good. I like leaving my mark.'' Sage laughs, pulling her wrists out of my grasp. Then, with a glance at Sam, she leaves the room. ''C'mon, Styles, you've got to drive me back.''

''I can't tell you what's happened Harry, so don't ask. Please.'' Sam looks down at her hands, picking at her nails nervously.

I nod and with that, I follow after Sage.


This time I do apologise for the shortness. It's the best I can do for an afternoon when I should be studying. Although, I haven't got any exams this week. I have a eight chapter maths one though, soon. Save me someone.

And I suck at maths.

Anyway, it'll all soon get better, okay?

There'll be more drama, longer chapters, all that. c:

Be patient. c;

Comment with your funniest experience at school, up to this day. My favourite will get a dedication!

Dedication to: morestylethanharry for her funny and lovely comment. <3

Please vote & comment (I prefer comments because then I know what you guys think and what I have to change and stuff. So I can improve, ya' know?). Thank you, I love you all,

Amber. <3

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