Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Chapter Twenty-Six.

The closing Cardiff concert is one of the best ones I've been to, there's loads of fans, all crowded and all trying to get close to the stage. There's so many posters and things the fans had made, swaying them for the boys to see, some fans are throwing teddy bears and other small presents onto the stage for the boys.

The funniest thing I saw in that concert was when Louis got a bra in the face. He picked it up, tried to put it on himself but gave up, throwing it back to the girls in the crowd.

Thankfully, I was on the other side of the arena and the bra didn't reach me.

After the concerts, they're always hyped up and jumping around, so excited about it all, sweating buckets and even though they smell, we all hug them anyway, and congratulate them. I hug everyone except Harry, who seems to be kind of ignoring me. I can't complain though, I told him to leave me alone and he has done.


The next morning, as the bus rumbles on, I crawl out of my bed and into the kitchen, silently, wanting to make myself a cup of coffee or something. I find a cup and the espresso coffee and start making it, trying to make as less noise as possible. Not very easy when the bus keeps on moving. I sigh, waiting for the water to boil and log on to Twitter, gasping in surprise at the amount of followers I have now. Only last week I had just under fifty thousand and now I have over four hundred thousand.

''Jesus,'' I mutter, scrolling through my mentions and new followers.

I make my coffee and sit down at the table with it, deciding to go through all my mentions and reply to a few.

By the time the boys get up at half twelve, I've gone through five cups of coffee and two rounds of toast, and I've only replied to a quarter – or less – of the mentions I had.

''What you up to, Sage?'' Niall rubs his eyes, sitting down opposite me.

''Replying to Tweets,'' I grimace, reading a horrible Tweet and skipping it, feeling a bit hurt by it. It's not my fault Harry dyed my hair green, I didn't exactly want it this colour.

''You know, you could use fairy liquid to get rid of the green. Although, it kinda dries your hair out. Or washing powder. You know, the stuff they put in the washing machine.'' Louis suggests, plopping himself down next to me with a smile.

''Thanks, I'll bare that in mind.'' I answer, focusing on the rest of the Tweets.

There are quite a few horrible ones, that upset me a bit, but there are also some lovely ones.

''Well, are we going to have breakfast or shall we wait 'till lunch?'' Liam asks and Niall's belly rumbles, answering the question for them.

They set about making some lunch while I move myself over to the sofa and turn the laptop on, wanting to get some work done and maybe reply to more Tweets on a quicker basis.

Glancing out of the window, I realise Sam hasn't called Niall or texted him at all these past few days. And she hasn't called me either.

I bite my lip, worried. Worried more for Niall than for Sam.

Sam... she should try to fix herself and become sure of what she wants.

She'll soon be meeting us in Liverpool for the last concert there. Maybe then she'll know.

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