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Freya's birthday is quite near so Apollo was already planning for that important day of his wife. After all, this is her first birthday with him so he should prepare something special for her. Many ideas came to his mind but he could not choose what the best is as he thinks that every idea is good.

"You okay, boss?" Chaigne entered his room holding a paper bag. That is definitely his dinner for tonight.

He massaged his temple. "Freya's birthday is coming already. I wanted to give her the best birthday."

She chuckled then hand him over the paper bag. "I thought you were having a huge problem."

He pout as he accepted the paper bag. "This is really a big problem. I wanted this upcoming birthday of her to be the most memorable."

She grinned. "Your wife wouldn't want an extravagant celebration so I suggest you take her where you can celebrate peacefully."

He stopped for a moment until his face brightens. "You're really an angel."

She rolled her eyes. "I already know that. See you tomorrow, boss."

He only laugh. When she left, Apollo went back in thinking but it's been a half hour already, he can't still have a concrete plan so he sends a message to his friends. While waiting for their response, he tuned in to Nights With Me. It just started and a smile automatically formed in his lips upon hearing his wife's voice. As he continue to listen to the program, he heard his stomach growls. He chuckled then started to eat the dinner that Chaigne bought for him.

Few minutes passed, a message came in from Altos. Let's meet at the pub. Others are on their way already.

He just smirked. After he eat, he sent a message to Freya then he go to their favourite pub.

"What's the agenda?" Lordros started the conversation as soon as our drinks were served.

"My wife's birthday is coming already."

Except Eros, everyone groans. "I thought you were having a big problem." Dareus commented.

He grinned. "That's what Chaigne told me as well."

Dareus grinned back. "We were so much alike."

"Then why don't you marry her?" Altos teased Dareus.

But Dareus only laugh.

"Freya didn't like too much celebration." Eros said.

"I know but that will not stop me to give her a simple yet memorable birthday celebration so this is my plan." Then he started to tell them what he has in mind.

"Not bad but too cheesy." Lordros said afterwards.

Everyone laugh.

"But it would be better if we will stay." Altos said, grinning.

He glared at Altos. "Who is the husband here?"

Everyone laugh again.

"You are ruthless. Are you not concerned for us to travel without sleep?" Dareus said.

He smirked then drinks his whiskey. "Bastards. You all know how to go home even with too much alcohol in your system."

"Only us? You were our inspiration." Eros now joined in teasing him.

He laugh. "Past is already in the past and making Freya happy is now my ultimate goal. Anyways, be sure to take care of the girls."

"Of course." Eros and Dareus said at the same time that made Altos and Lordros groan.

"Don't worry, you'll find your own woman at the right time." He teased them. Later on, they went back to their apartments. As Apollo laid himself on the couch, he tuned in again to Nights With Me.

"Thank you everyone for remembering my birthday as early as now and this time, I am going to celebrate it with you folks. We are going to have a special night on my birthday."

He smirked as it seems that his plan is going to work. He even made sure that she will not have other schedules on that day. When Freya finally went home, he kissed her like he never see her for weeks. "Hey, baby."

She smiled. "I missed you."

"I missed you too."

Then he brought her to their room. On the next day, while having their brunch, Apollo asked his wife if she does want something on her birthday. "I don't need anything." She said. "So don't try to buy a gift for me. Let's just have a simple meal celebration before I go for work."

He pout but he already expected this kind of response. "What are we going to do with our money? We have lots of it."

She giggled. "That's not the point, hubby. I was just saying that I already have everything. Stable career. Good friends. A very loving husband. Material things are not that important to me anymore. As long as I'll celebrate my birthday with you, whether we just cuddle on the bed, that's a perfect gift for me already."

He smiled. Feeling grateful for Freya's simplicity. With this kind of attitude from her, he is really more determined now to execute his plan smoothly. "You deserved more, baby."

She smiled back. "Thank you but having you and our friends are more than enough for me already. I don't need anything else."

He get her hand and kissed the back of it. "You just made me love you more, Freya."

Her face flush. "With your antics, you are doing the same thing with me."

He only grinned but definitely delighted with what she said. As the day goes by, Apollo discreetly arrange his birthday surprise for Freya until the day finally comes.

"Thank you for listening to Nights With Me. Have a sweet dream everyone. We'll have a birthday party later." It is past midnight now so technically it is her birthday already. 

He smiled then immediately sent her a birthday message though he had greeted her in advance for few times already before she left for work earlier. Then he texted next is Chaigne. How's everything?

Almost done, boss.

Perfect. Thank you. Tell the jerks that do not do anything stupid. Eros was not around as he is going to fetch Aleena so most probably, the three will be playful as much as they can be but Chaigne is there so he think they'll behave somehow.

Consider it done.

He inhale deeply then hoped that Freya will like everything they prepared tonight. As soon as she went home, he hugged her tightly then kissed her cheek. "Happy birthday again, baby."

She smiled brightly. "Thank you, hubby. This is your eighth greeting already."

He grinned. "Then let me make it ten."

She laugh. "Silly. That's too much already." Then she takes a look at him. "What's with you?"

He kissed her forehead. "Get changed, baby. Your dress is at the bed."

She frowned. "Are we going somewhere?"

He winked at her. "It's a secret."

She only chuckled. When she is done, Apollo had an instant urged not to continue with his plan because the dress perfectly fit on Freya.

"You're so beautiful."

She smiled. "Thank you. Now I understand why you wore differently. Are we going to have a sunrise date?"

He smirked then pulled her against him. "Not really but before we go, let me kiss you first." He was about to lean his head towards her when she cupped his face. "What?"

"You're going to ruin my lipstick."

He removed her hands then grinned. "I'll help you to redo your lipstick later." Then he captured her mouth with his. He kissed her probably a million times already but he still always find himself craving for her more and the kiss goes deeper when she wrapped her arms around him. Now he wanted to make love with her but first things first. So with all his willpower left, he broke off their kiss. "I love you, Freya."

"I love you too." Then she smiled seductively. "Are we still going out? I told you that I am perfectly fine to just cuddle here."

He groan as she playfully rubbed herself against him. Unfortunately, he only gets harder but he has a plan that needs to be done. "We must go now." Then she just giggled when he gently pulled her out of their apartment.

As they started to travel, Freya got a hunch about their destination. "Are we going to the house you brought?"

Apollo chuckled. There is no point now in hiding his plan from her. "Yeah and it is yours too. It is our house, baby. Always remember that."

She giggled. "Do you prepare something for me?"

He smirked. "You'll see."

When she only smiled, he could tell that she is now excited as he is. Later on, they reached their destination then to complete his surprise charade, he put a blindfold on her using a spare necktie. After a while, they get off from the car. "You're making me nervous."

He laugh as he quickly sent a message to Altos. "Don't be, baby. You are going to love our birthday surprise for you."

He felt that she got startled. Good thing, her eyes were blindfolded as Altos opened the gate's door carefully. "Is everyone here?"

He looked at Altos, giving him a silent message not to make any noise then he gently pushed her until they got inside of the house. The dining table was filled with different food and decorations were also scattered around.

"I could feel different eyes are on me so can I please remove the blindfold now?"

That almost made others to laugh while he chuckled as he removed the tie. "Open your eyes now." Then he observed Freya's reaction. As she slowly opens her eyes, she blinked for few seconds then covered her mouth in awe because everyone starts to sing her a birthday song. After they sing, she roams her eyes around until she settled her eyes with him then with their friends.

"You all made this?" She said, a bit teary eyed now.

"Yep." Chaigne answered. "But everything was your husband's idea."

She bites her lower lip, obviously trying not to be too emotional then she kissed his cheek. "Thank you, Apollo."

He smiled. "You liked it?"

She nodded. "Very." Then she looked warmly to others. "Thank you all. It's been so long since I really celebrated my birthday."

They all just smiled at her.

"Alright! Let's start the party!" Dareus said excitedly. They all laugh then they seated.

"Now I understand why you were in a hurry leaving earlier." Freya said to Aleena. "I thought you were just excited to see Eros."

"Actually, that was the main reason." Eros said, obviously teasing Aleena but she only elbowed him.

"Can we go back here again? This place was quite peaceful." Lordros asked Apollo. Others nodded in agreement.

"No." Then he put an arm around her shoulder and laugh as Freya pinched his side. "What? This house is exclusively for us."

She pout. "Don't be like that."

"True. Freya, you can still divorce your husband." Altos said, grinning widely.

Apollo throws a crumpled tissue paper to Altos. "Bastard."

They all laugh and the celebration continues until it ended. The sun has risen already.

"What?" Freya got surprised when others bid goodbye to her. "All of us did not have sleep yet and there are rooms available here. Take a nap first."

Since she is busy looking at others, Apollo gave them a look that they should fulfil what has been agreed. His friends grinned while the girls almost rolled their eyes.

"We will be fine." Aleena said. "We will just get our sleep at home."

"But---" She didn't finish as Apollo placed an arm on her shoulder.

"Eros is a very careful driver."

She looked at Eros, as if confirming that he is really capable to drive safe at the moment and to Apollo's surprised, Eros pulled Freya into him then kissed her forehead. "We will all go home safe and sound." Then he smirked at Apollo. "Something wrong?"

Apollo glared at him. "You'll pay for this."

It made others laugh except Freya who seems confused. "What in the world is happening?"

Apollo's friends laugh while the girls giggled then Aleena hugged her. "Happy birthday again, Freya. I could not make any more wish for you because it seems you already have everything."

She nodded then smiled. "Thank you. I am so lucky to have you as a friend."

"What about me?"

Freya giggled at Chaigne then hugged her. "Of course, thanks to you as well."

Chaigne also giggled. "Happy birthday." Then she arched an eyebrow at Apollo. "We are leaving now, boss."

He smiled widely and was about to thank her when suddenly Dareus hugged Freya. "Happy birthday again."

He scowled at Dareus then he found Altos and Lordros hugging Freya as well.  He definitely knew that they're playing with him. Unfortunately, his wife was obviously oblivious on what his friends were currently doing as she still smiled gratefully to them. "Thank you everyone. I really had fun."

"We had fun too." Altos said, grinning particularly at him. It made others to laugh so once more, Freya was confused.

"Okay, kids. Let's start moving." Lordros added quickly as he knew that Apollo is going to explode in any moment. 

"See you later!"

As soon as their friends leave, Apollo silently sigh in relief. His friends definitely enjoyed playing with him.

"What was that?" Freya asked him.

He only chuckled then pulled her into their bedroom and he smiled sheepishly when she gasped lightly as she finally saw his birthday gift to her. "You like them?" He said, referring to the medium-sized dolls that were modelled after her and her twin, Freija. He even made sure that these dolls won't have a horror vibe.

She nodded many times then walks towards the table that was located on the side area of their bedroom. As she carefully looked at each doll, he walked behind her and gently wrapped his arm around her shoulder then she suddenly twists herself around in his arms and looks up at him, grinning. When he sees the spark in her eyes, he knows that she definitely liked what he prepared. Thank goodness. The look of complete joy on her face even made him feel happier.

Mission accomplished.

Then her eyes became warm. "After Freija died, I feel that I died as well so when I've become DJ Goddess, I thought that it was the life that I am going to live with but then you came into my life. You made me feel alive again and now I wonder what might happen if I knew you first."

He found himself staring at her until he cleared his throat then kissed her forehead, he could literally feel his pounding chest. Though he wanted to be frustrated because he was not her first love, he just thought that it was better that way because he was a very playful guy when he was younger. She will definitely not fall for him. "We might have a lot of kids now."

She laugh softly. "I guess so." Then she kissed his cheek. "Thank you for this celebration, hubby. Please don't get tired on being like this to me."

He smirked. "Well then, expect a lot of surprises from me."

Her eyes twinkle. "I will."

He only grinned then bent his head towards her and kissed her thoroughly.

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