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Apollo can't contain his excitement in getting married to Freya. He never thought that he will tie a knot in a short period of time and he never thought that he'll ever settle down but he knew that this is the decision that he will never ever regret. Freya is the best thing that happened to him.

"Boss, stop smiling like that. It's so creepy."

He lifted his head then grinned at Chaigne. "Well, my three days off will start in two days so I am just too excited. I rarely took off from work these past few years, you very know that."

She chuckled then gave him a folder "Anyway, this report is about endorsement offers for Freya."

He frowned as he scanned the content. "Do these companies know that we will get back to them at the end of this month?"

"Of course."

He smiled gratefully at her. "Great. You're really the best."

She rolled her eyes. "I already know that and I am reminding you that my two weeks leave will be this upcoming month." Since Chaigne started to work for him, she rarely takes her leave.

He smiled widely. "You don't need to remind me. I know it by heart."

"Oh geez. This is really creepy." Then he laugh as she abruptly leave his room.

Later on, Apollo focused himself in working as he doesn't want any disturbance once his off kicks in. He wanted to enjoy every moment with Freya because their wedding and honeymoon will happen within three days only.

It is already past midnight when he finally finished his work. After few times of stretching, he quickly gather his things and leave KEA's building afterwards. As he reached the radio station, he frowned as there are group of people were outside. He parked his car across the street and dialled Freya's number. "What is happening?"

She sigh. "I already announced that Nights With Me is going to be off-air and only replays will be aired for six nights starting tomorrow then the securities called us few minutes ago that DJ Goddess' fans were outside." Unlike him, she'll take seven days off to avoid any possible public attention because they are going to be out on same week. Aside from that, her excess three days are reserved for their upcoming brainstorming as they are going to do some changes on her program and according to their plan, it is the same reason she is going to say to her listeners but of course it was just really a bit exaggerated to go off-air for that long.

"I am going to talk to them."

"Oh no need. Let me handle them." Then she sigh again. "I need to attend my last caller now."

"Alright. See you."

"See you." After she ended the call, Apollo inhale deeply. He cannot go out from his car as these people will definitely recognize him. Few minutes passed, he let out a cursed as some media reporters arrived at the front of the building. This is not good.

He immediately called Aleena. "There are reporters outside."

"This is bad. They'll possibly tail Freya tonight."

Shit. "Where is Freya?"

"At the comfort room. We are going to see these fans in a while." Then she paused for a second. "Talk to Freya."

"Hey. Are you okay?"

"Yeah. I am just nervous."

"I am going there."

"You can't. There are paparazzi. They could analyze something."

He let out a deep sigh. "Fine but if I saw that they'll make a move that isn't right, I am going out."

"We'll be fine."

After the call ended, he patiently wait until he saw the fans and the press people come near with Freya and Aleena. Good thing he added more security at the radio station. But still, he wanted to be with Freya. He will not get calm until it was sure that she is perfectly fine.

From afar, he just look at her while talking with the fans and some reporters until she was escorted back inside. Few minutes passed, the people outside are slowly decreasing until no one left. He made sure first that no a single soul left before rushing his car inside the building and as soon as he gets inside, he immediately ride the elevator then sigh in relief upon seeing Freya at the meeting room.

"You okay?"

She nodded then smiled. "They just got worried about my announcement. They meant no harm, they only wanted to know if my reason was really real. They got even surprised to see some reporters."

Then Aleena entered after knocking. "I'll go ahead now."

"Will you be okay?" Freya asked.

"Of course. Just be careful when both of you leaves, some nosy paparazzi maybe just lurking around." Then Aleena smiled. "See you at your wedding."

Her face flush. "See you."

After Aleena left, Apollo grinned at Freya. "It seems we are not going to visit our favourite restaurant."

She nodded. "I don't want to make your parents wait for me."

He grunt. "I don't know why this kind of wedding tradition exists."

She giggled. "Mother's knows best." Freya took an earlier off because she is going to spend her day with his parents and after he accompany her at their house, they are going to see each other next on the day of their secret wedding.

"I am going to miss you, baby."

She smiled. "Same here." Then she suddenly pinched his nose. "You still haven't telling me where we will stay after the ceremony."

He grinned. "I told you that it's a surprise."

She pout. "Any hint where it will be?"

As he took her hand, he start to stroke his thumb sensually over her palm and he felt her body tensed. "It was a special place to me." Then her chest rose with a sharp intake of air when he pressed his lips to her wrist and when she released a self-conscious laugh, he knew that he was arousing her but obviously nervous as well. "I love you, Freya. Always remember that."

Her face softens. "When we first met, I had no idea you'd become this important to me." Those words squeezed his heart then he found her leaning towards him and kissed him in the cheek. "Apollo, I love you too."

Later on, they reached Kwons residence.

"Son, I thought you are not going to bring Freya here anymore."

Apollo chuckled then looked at his mother. "Mom, am I really not allowed seeing her?"

"Yes but don't worry, we will just do some bonding activities."

"Just make sure to bring Freya tomorrow at the venue."

His mother giggled. "Of course."

After a while, Apollo's parents gave him and Freya privacy. "Since you are going to use my room, I'll give you a quick tour." He whispered then didn't wait for her response as he already pulled her. After closing the door gently, he placed her back against it then looked at her until they found themselves kissing each other hungrily and his skin prickled when Freya ran her hands up into his hair. Heavenly sensation rammed throughout his body as he could smell her feminine fragrance against her softness then he groan inwardly as he is on the verge of claiming her at this very moment.

Patience, Apollo.

But he had to wait so he made a mental note on himself that on their honeymoon, he is going to worship every single inch of her.

As the kiss slowly break, she grazes her fingertips over his jaw while panting heavily. Then he smirked as her eyes were on fire. This kind of emotion is the the thing he wanted her to show. He wanted to unleash her inner desires. Her inner goddess. "Touch me, Freya."

She bites her lower lip then reluctantly lifted her hands over his chest. "I...I don't know how to do it."

"Well, I'll just teach how to do impressive stuff on our honeymoon." He teased then grasped her hand and kissed her palm. "See you tomorrow, baby."

"See you."

While driving, he noticed that a car is following him since he entered the highway then he stopped his car at a convenience store and see that car passed the road. After quickly memorizing the plate number, he sent it to Tram. That guy was a kind of geek who knew how to extract some confidential information.

When Apollo reached his apartment, he immediately take a rest as he felt so tired and as he got wake up because of loud knocks. He stirred up then open his door half-asleep and saw his friends. "What?"

"Most likely you haven't seen the trending topic yet." Altos said.

"What topic?"

"Read this." Dareus handed him his phone.

Is the KEA's CEO, Apollo Kwon the mystery man of DJ Goddess?

He frowned as he read the content then returned Dareus phone. "There is no photo of Freya and me together so there is nothing to worry about." The only photos posted were when he entered and left the radio station. Good thing, his car is tinted. This news even came from a blog, not really official news so he now wondered if the driver of that car is this blogger or not. Well, Tram probably sent him already the details he needed. He'll just check it after his off.

"I already told you to be careful." Eros said with a very serious face.

He clenched his fist. "I am. If I wasn't, we would be photographed both. This news was all about speculation and not even from a legal reporter."

"Calm down, guys." Lordros said. "We should now expect this kind of things because everyone already know the face of DJ Goddess."

Eros sigh. "I don't mean to pry. I was just worried for Freya."

Apollo cooled down as well. "I know but you bastards had a shitty timing in waking me up." Then all of them grinned at the same time.

"Let's drink tonight." Altos patted his shoulder. "To celebrate your last day as a single man, dude."

He chuckled. "I can't afford to have hangover."

"We will not drink too much."

He smirked. "You sure about that?"

Altos only laugh. As soon as Apollo reached KEA, Chaigne immediately talk to him in his room.

"I thought you'll not show up because you are not answering your phone."

He chuckled. "I am not yet in the right mood. Well, let me handle it. I'll deal with them."

"Alright and by the way, Roubin wanted to talk to you."

He frowned. "About what?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "No idea but I think it is about this upcoming premiere night." She was talking about the movie which Roubin is one of the lead actors. "Anyway, better call him."

After Chaigne left, Apollo sent an official statement to each member of the press about what happened.

Indeed that I was at the radio station this past midnight because of the sudden appearance of DJ Goddess' fans. I only wanted to make sure that everything is fine as we all know that she is still not used to this kind of interaction. We are seeking your understanding in this matter and Nights With Me will remain. There will be no drastic changes, only little revision will be revealed after DJ Goddess came back from her leave of absence.

Regarding the mystery man, I am not in the position to tell anything about him as DJ Goddess preferred her personal life is out from the public. She asked everyone's understanding and who knows, maybe one day, she'll change her mind.

Then he called Roubin. "What is it?"

"Boss, can DJ Goddess be my date on this upcoming premiere night?"

"No." Then he hang up. Few seconds passed, his phone rings. "What? I'm busy."

Roubin laugh. "You're being obvious, boss. This invitation was purely business. I know where I stand. Besides, if she'll seen with me, everyone will not focus on you anymore."

He massaged his temple as he found himself interested in what Roubin said but he sensed that there is something else in Roubin's invitation. "Tell me the main reason why you wanted to see Freya with you."

Roubin laugh again. "Oops busted. Well, you know Samara, right?" Roubin was partnered with that woman in his previous drama and Apollo heard that she is into Roubin.

"Of course. So she wanted you to bring her but since you don't like her, you said that you are bringing someone already."

Roubin laugh once more. "You really knew me well. Anyway, I promised that I won't do anything with your lady love. She is safe with me. Your secret is safe with me."

"This sounds like a blackmail."

Roubin chuckled. "Not really. Whether you approve this or not, my loyalty remains to you."

Apollo inhale deeply. "I'll ask Freya about this."

"Oh actually, she said that if you are fine with it, she will attend the event with me."

"And when the hell did you talk to her?"

Roubin laugh again. "Last night while she and Aleena are preparing for Nights With Me. I dropped into her booth after my segment just to say hi but when I see her, I realized that she could be the answer to my problem."

"She didn't mention it to me."

"It was because I asked her not to. Your lady love is a very fine woman. Too bad she is already taken."

Apollo smirked. "She is so don't ever touch her more than you allowed to."

"You have my word, boss."

When the call ended, he called next is Freya. "Hey, baby."

"I saw the trending topic."

He chuckled. "Don't worry about it. I already handled it. Anyway, I talked to Roubin."

"Did he already tell you?"

"Yeah and as much as I don't want to, I had no choice but to agree as I need to avoid in becoming the main focus of this infamous mystery man of DJ Goddess though I badly wanted to confess already."

She laugh softly. "We need to be more careful."

"Yeah. What are you doing now?"

"At your room, checking all your photo albums since you was born."

He groan. "Did Mom start her storytelling already?"

She giggled. "Not yet. She still busy cooking for our lunch."

He smiled. "I missed you already."

"Same here."

Then he sigh when he saw Chaigne. "I'll go back to work now."

"See you tomorrow. I love you."

He found himself smiling widely. "I love you too, baby." After the call ended, Apollo laugh as he saw Chaigne wrinkled her nose. "Get a boyfriend so you'll understand me."

She rolled her eyes. "Not interested. Anyway..." Then for the whole day, Apollo focused himself on working until the next day comes. The day that Freya will officially become his wife.

"Am I the only one here who feels nervous?" Dareus scratched his hands together.

"I can now imagine how you will collapse on your wedding." Lordros teased him.

Apollo chuckled then he felt Altos hand on his shoulder. "You don't look nervous." Altos commented.

He smirked. "Why would I? In fact, I feel too excited."

"I know why." Eros said, smirking.

He laugh. "Come on, this is the day that every groom is expecting to happen and that is to see his bride in her wedding gown."


"Yeah right."


"Talk to my hands."

He laugh again because of different reactions from his friends then Chaigne approached them few minutes after.

"Boys except you Eros go to your places now. We are going to start in fifteen minutes." The three obediently followed her instruction while Eros run into the room where Freya and Aleena are.

"Thanks Chaigne." Apollo said to Chaerin.

She smiled. "You're welcome but remember, you owe me on this one."

He grinned. "Sure." Since this a secret wedding with very few guests, they decided to do the ceremony at their house because his mother has a garden. His Mom also took charge of Freya's gown and his suit while his Dad took care in enrolling their marriage license privately and most importantly, in finding a priest. Aleena and Chaigne combined their effort in assisting Freya while Apollo and his friends arrange the chairs and the table that the priest is going to use. Basically, every arrangement was done by them. It was somehow fulfilling and fun.

Then Apollo placed himself near the priest while Chaigne stand up beside his parents and when an instrumental song starts to play, his chest start to pound hard then suddenly feel nervous when Eros and Aleena went to their designated places.

As soon as Apollo saw a glimpse of Freya, he felt a lump in his throat and when he fully saw her, walking slowly in her simple yet very captivating white wedding gown, he had to inhale deeply because he suddenly feel emotional as he realized how lucky he is to have her.

Freya is such a beautiful human being so Apollo vowed to himself that he will take care of her and will love her until whenever.

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