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Being with Freya is the thing that Apollo always looking forward to happen but since they both got busy recently, the only bonding they could do is to dine at her favourite restaurant then sleep together at her room.

And waking up with her never fails to make him feel good.

"Hey, baby." When she compressed herself more against him, he gulped as her softness never also fails him to feel aroused. "We need to get up now."

She grunt then slowly rise and smiled sleepily at him. "Happy birthday."

With that greeting, he found himself rising and grasped the back of her head then kissed her thoroughly. As soon as she kissed him back, the kiss goes deeper until they both ran out of breath. "Thank you, baby."

"I'm sorry that I failed to notice beforehand that your birthday and anniversary of Nights With Me is the same."

He kissed her forehead. "It's fine. Focus on your anniversary for now. By the way, are you ready?"

She inhale deeply then nodded. "I am."

"Great." Then even he didn't want to, he left her apartment so they could take their baths. He is almost done in dressing when his door bell rings. As he open his door, he saw Eros, Lordros, Altos and Dareus grinning at him.

"Happy birthday!"

He chuckled. "Thanks."

"Let's postpone the celebration because we are going to support Freya first." Altos said.

"Correct! This is the first fans day of my DJ Goddess so we should be there." Dareus agreed enthusiastically.

He glared at Dareus. "DJ Goddess is mine."

It made them laugh. Now Dareus knew that Freya is DJ Goddess, Apollo already expected some competition with his friend.

"Come on, don't be a caveman. That was only a figure of speech." Lordros teased him then it made them laugh again.

"Freya already knew that we are coming as well, I visited her last night." Eros said.

He frowned. "She didn't mention anything about it."

Eros grinned. "Because we wanted to surprise you."

"Surprise!" Dareus and Altos said in unison, smiling mischievously at him.

"Chaigne reserved good seats for us as well." Lordros said, smirking.

He groan. "I am going to remind her who is her boss."

Once more, they laugh at him. As they started to travel, the jerks insisted to join him and Freya at the car.

"Tell me why all of you are needed to be here?"

"What's wrong?" Dareus asked innocently. "Your car is too big for you and Freya."

She kept on giggling as he continued to banter with his friends. Later on, they arrived at the venue and immediately went to the backstage where everyone is being busy.

"Chaigne, you're fired for letting these jerks to come here." He said after accompanying Dara at the dressing room and let Aleena assist her.

She laugh, obviously knew that he was not serious. "They were pretty harmless except this panda." She raised her eyebrow as Dareus winked at her then she smiled at the others. "Boys, go to your seats now. Your names are there."

Dareus groan. "I wanted to stay here."

She raised her eyebrow again at him. "You're not part of the event so get your ass at the audience area before I kick you out."

Lordros and Apollo laugh while Eros and Altos whistles but Dareus didn't mind what she said as he still managed to grin. "You're so feisty, kitty."

"Back off." Then she looked to each man except Apollo. "Well? What are you waiting for? Want me to kick your asses too?"

Altos and Lordros only laugh then pulled Dareus out of the backstage so Eros was left. "Can I see Freya?"

Chaigne smiled sweetly at him while Apollo silently groan. "Since you asked nicely, go ahead but be quick only."

He just salute to her then walk towards the dressing room.

"I think I am missing something here. I am the boss, right?" Apollo said when he saw Eros entered the room.

Chaigne giggled. "Don't get jealous, boss."

He groan. "I honestly don't like to leave Freya with Eros."

She rolled her eyes. "Freya is already yours, boss." Then she smiled. "Happy birthday by the way."

He chuckled. "Thanks."

Then she glanced at her back. "Your parents are here."

When he turned around, he kissed his Mom's cheek and smiled after his Dad tapped his shoulder. "Happy birthday, dear." She said then Chaigne excused herself.

"Happy birthday, son."

"Thank you. This is the first birthday that I am working."

She giggled. "Well, Freya is your priority. By the way, where is she?"

"Getting ready."

"Can we see her?"

"I am afraid you cannot." She was about to complain when Eros went out from the dressing room and greet Apollo's parents when he saw them.

"It is so good to see you again, dear."

"Same here, Auntie." Then Eros tapped Apollo's shoulder and his Dad's as well. "Nice to see you, Uncle. I will join now the others."

When Eros left, Apollo smiled sheepishly to his parents. "I'll let you see Freya later."

His Mom sigh. "Fine." Then she hugged him. "We'll see you later." His Dad only tapped his shoulder. When they left, he entered the dressing room and his chest pound hard when he saw Freya. She changed her clothes into comfortable dress and she is now wearing some light makeup.

"Everyone, out." He heard Aleena said while his eyes focused on Freya then he pulled a chair and sit in front of Freya when others left.

He grasped her hand then smiled at her. "You're so beautiful, baby."

Her face flush. "Thank you."


She nodded then smiled. "But I still feel a little nervous."

He chuckled and when his thumb starts to rub in a circle form against her skin, he felt her body tensed. "You'll be fine. We are all here to support you."

Her free hand cupped his cheek. "Thank you for everything."

He felt his heart swell in happiness. According to Altos that he became 'softy' and emotional after being with Freya. It doesn't sound manly but he doesn't give a damn about it. What matters to him is Freya only. "You're always welcome." Then he cupped the back of her head and kissed her in his most passionate way.

As the kiss slowly broke, she giggled while wiping his lips. Obviously removing her lipstick marks on him. "I guess I need to redo my makeup."

He grinned. "If that's the case, I'll totally wipe that very seductive lipstick off from you." Then he kissed her again thoroughly. When he felt her hands grasped his shoulders, he deepens the kiss and deepens more when she moans softly. Their kiss continues until they both ran out of breath. "There's still some left."

She hit his arm. "Save everything later."

His eyes darken. "I am already looking forward to it."

She bites her lower lip then turned her chair so she is now facing the wide wall mirror. He smirked as he noticed how flustered her face is. "You better leave now."

He laugh softly as she finally noticed how he looks at her then he kissed her top head. "I'll see you around, baby."

She only smiled. When he left the room, Aleena rolled her eyes. "I thought you are not going to leave anymore."

He grinned. "Sorry. I just carried away."

She chuckled. "Happy birthday by the way."

"Thanks. Who did her makeup?"

She giggled then called someone. "This is Shara, she is going to be Freya's makeup artist every time there will be an event like this."

Shara extended her hand to him. "Pleased to meet you, Mr Kwon."

He smiled. "Same here. By the way, you did a good job. Freya became more beautiful with that light makeup."

"Thank you, Sir. I'll take note on your preference."

He laugh. "Freya will still be the one whom you should follow."

She only smiled politely then after she entered the dressing room, Aleena called another woman. "This is Hana, she is in-charged of Freya's wardrobe."

Just like Shara, Hana extended her hand to him. "Pleased to meet you, Sir."

He accepted her hand then smiled back at her. "Likewise. Did Freya already tell you about her clothing preference?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good. You can now go inside." After Hana left, Apollo smiled at Aleena. "Thank you for getting great staff."

She smiled back. "You're welcome. I know Freya's preference by heart so it was really easy to find suitable staffs." Then she glanced at the dressing room. "I'll go inside now."

After Aleena left, Chaigne came to Apollo with someone he knew. "Be easy on DJ Goddess."

Jamie laugh. One of the greatest hosts that Apollo also aiming to be part of KEA as he is currently a freelancer. "Of course I will, love and I heard that it is your birthday today as well. Happy birthday, love." Apollo only chuckled as the middle-aged gay host playfully hugged his arm while leaning his head on Apollo's shoulder. "Where is she by the way? I am excited to meet her. I am a fan too."

"Chaigne will accompany you."

"Thanks, love."

After the two left, Apollo went to the media room and interviewed the staffs. When he is done, he checked the stage set up and went back to the backstage afterwards. "Boss, we will start in fifteen minutes." Chaigne said after the stage's curtain was removed.

He nodded. "Is Freya ready?"


"I am ready too, love." Jamie appeared on Chaigne's side then blow a kiss to him before going to the stage.

She giggled. "Jamie is so in love with you."

He only chuckled then they both smiled when a loud cheer came from the audience area as Jamie showed himself already. After a while, he starts to talk to the audience.

"Are you ready to finally meet the very mysterious DJ Goddess?!"


"Wow! What a very reactive people we have here. Just to give everyone an introductory, DJ Goddess is a very pretty lady." It caused another loud cheer from the crowd. "Really pretty but a very shy lady in real life."

"Boss." Apollo turned his attention to Chaigne. "I am going to call Freya now."

He only nodded. After she run into the dressing room, he can't help but to feel nervous but immediately composed himself when he saw Freya. "Ready?"

She smiled nervously. "Yes."

He cleared his throat then put his hands into his pockets as he is very tempted to grab her and kiss her again. "Just enjoy this special day." He said in a casual tone.

She inhale deeply. "I will."

Then a staff approached them. "Excuse me, it's time for Ms Freya to get on the stage." As the staff guided her on the side, she looked back at him then smiled. After he smiled back, she turned around and he saw her took a deep breath many times.

"This is it!" As Jamie talks, Apollo together with Aleena and Chaigne hurriedly walk towards to the side of the audience area and they could see how each of the attendees is excited to see DJ Goddess. "Everyone, meet the mystery voice behind of the Nights With Me, DJ Goddess!"

Then the crowd go crazier when Freya finally showed herself, smiling and waving shyly at them.

And Apollo felt so proud and happy for her.

"Okay everyone, please calm down and take your seats." He grinned as he heard Chaigne and Aleena laugh at Jamie. "Wow. I hosted many events already but this is the loudest and most active crowd I've ever experienced." Then Jamie handed the extra microphone to Freya. "DJ Goddess, please greet your supporters."

She waved a little at them then smiled shyly to them. "Hello everyone." She stopped for a moment as the crowd went wild again. "Thank you for coming and I apologized if it took me years before I finally decided to have a fan meeting."

"Marry me DJ Goddess!"

Apollo immediately searched that man but since the venue was pretty crowded, he failed to identify the bastard who shouted.

"Oh what a proposal." The crowd laugh at Jamie. "Now I realized that most of the attendees are men. DJ Goddess is surely a babe."

Apollo silently grunts with that comment.

The event continues until it is time to pick some random fan to ask her anything.

"Alright, our first lucky fan is on seat number 82!"

Apollo sigh in relief as it was a female fan.

"Come over here!"

The fan run into the stage then hugged Freya and took a photo with her. Apollo heard some jealousy comments from the audience so he could not help but to chuckle.

"Miss Fan number 82, what is your question to DJ Goddess?"

"DJ Goddess, I wanted to know when your birthday is because as an active member of your fan club, we wanted to send you our greetings and some presents."

Freya smiled gratefully at the fan. "November 12 but you don't need to give me present. Greetings are enough for me."

"Very humble DJ Goddess. Thank you Miss Number 82, you may now take your seat." After the fan left, Jamie picked another number. "Our next lucky fan is number 46!"

Apollo smiled at himself as it was another female fan. Just like the first fan, she hugged and took a photo with Freya.

"Ask DJ Goddess now."

"DJ Goddess, is there someone special on your life?"

If the crowd suddenly become silent, Apollo felt his pounding chest while waiting for Freya's answer.

"There is."

The crowd released mixed reactions while Apollo breathes in relief and cleared his throat as he is trying not to laugh because of giddiness.

"Now I felt sorry for the men around here. Our DJ Goddess is no longer available. The mystery man is surely a very lucky one."

Hell, yeah. Apollo thought to himself.

When the event finally ended, the crowd gave another loud cheer when Freya announced that there will be another fan meeting. She also promoted her participation in the BBS drama.

As she exited to the backstage, other KEA artists that attended took a photo with her and greet Apollo in return. After that, staffs of the venue also took a photo with her. When she finally rested on the dressing room, Apollo together with his parents joined her.

"Freya dear, congratulations. I am so proud of you."

"Thank you, Auntie."

His mother pout. "When you will call me Mom?" Then she laugh as Freya's face flush. "Answer me next time. Anyways, I knew you wanted to have your rest now so we will go ahead." She looked at Apollo. "We will celebrate your birthday this weekend, okay?"

He nodded then smiled. "See you both."

After his Dad tapped his shoulder, his parents left the dressing room then Chaigne entered the room. "Boss, the press members wanted to talk to Freya."

Apollo quickly shakes his head. "Tell them that we are going to prepare separate event with them."


After Chaigne left, Apollo squeezed Freya's hand. "You okay?"

She nodded. "Is it really okay to ignore them?"

"Of course. Talking to them is not part of your today's schedule. Besides, we don't want to overwhelm you. We will take one step at a time and of course, today is my birthday."

She giggled then was about to respond when the door opens. Aleena together with Eros, Altos, Lordros and Dareus entered the room.

"Congratulations Freya." When Eros kissed her top head, Apollo groan inwardly. Though he know that it was an innocent approach, still, he hated that kind of affection between Eros and Freya.

"Congrats, who is the lucky man?" Altos teased her.

Her face flush. "It was a secret." It made them laugh.

"When is the next fan meeting? I will ask the assigned host to pick up my seat number." Dareus said.

"That's cheating." Lordros elbowed Dareus then he smiled at Freya. "Congratulations."

She smiled at them. "Thank you all." Then while she is talking to Aleena, Apollo talked to his friends about his birthday celebration at his parents' house.

"Alcohol drinks are not allowed."


He laugh. "Mom already knew what to prepare."

Later on, Apollo finally had Freya alone at the dressing room.

"I am really sorry for today." She said as she will leave in a half hour to go to her work.

He inhale deeply. "Though it is disappointing, I understand."

She smiled apologetically then cupped his face. "I'll make it up to you."

He grinned. "Can you give me a hint?"

Her face flush then hit his arm. "Pervert."

"That was an innocent question."

She rolled her eyes. "There is no innocence in you."

He pout. "That hurts."

She giggled then kissed him quick. "Happy birthday again, Apollo."

He smiled. "Thank you." Then he kissed her forehead. "I love you, baby."

She smiled back. "I love you too." Then she leaned towards him and gives him a hug. He hugged her tighter then Apollo declared that this is his most favourite birthday.

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