The 13th hour journey. chapter13.

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Chapter 13. The 13th hour journey.

Jantir began his journey to find his Farmlyn sister, Megalyn.

He knew it would end with some kind of death since he was not a fighter just a maker of jewels as crystals, ruby's and emeralds. Also a maker of stones and special gems that only his father had shown him.

Jantir as been using the works of his Farmlyn family. He at this time had only been able to create the crystal. It works well but he had more than just viewing from one side to the other for this clear white crystal in mind. He planned on using it to send others to the side they are able to view.

Jantir was missing a unique piece to it. He could not find it on this Tower. He hoped in his journey he might possibly find it. It was a black stone. Very hot when touched, cold when used. It would make his white crystal more powerful than it is now.

Jantir left one crystal with the mother of Megalyn, Mandalyn. He knew she would never let go of that crystal until her daughter was home. He also knew that Megalyn wouldn't come home until there was an ending to what she was doing.

Jantir knows how important Megalyn's wish is to make the Towers be at peace with their differences. This was her opportunity to do just that.


Bright and early the King of Skulltin Towers awoke as did his men on all sides of him standing as if they were ready for the world.

The group stood and gathered their things to continue the matter at hand. Megalyn leaped on her horse with her bags. She had over slept which was unlike her. All were ready and waiting for what the next step was. There was no more holding it off. It was time to head to a battle or a big stack of lies.

"I want some answers. First where is my son? And how long do you think we are going to wait to kill who had done this?" King Johnkell asked holding his horse still from galloping away.

"I understand you're hurting. I have tried to solve this while you rested." Megalyn began to speak.

"Are you saying that I am lazy and a good for nothing King? How dare you! It's bad enough you treat yourself like a man but to put me down in front of my men and these ones. I refuse to go any where with you. I will travel alone with my men and the Forest ones. If you're as powerful as you think you are well my lady travel alone. Lets move!" Shouted the King.

"Wait! I do not wish to follow you or even go with you but I do care for your son. I am obligated to find this man. If you like it or not I am going with you and your men. We travel together or not at all.

I will not let you treat me like this nor these people who you will treat like refuge.

Now please take your anger out on me but don't make us be apart. I do have more powers than you and if we stay together they will be our powers. Not just mine.

If you get hurt or killed will your men bring you back or will they use that bottle for themselves leaving you to die?

I bet they will choose life for them and death for you. I my King will choose your life over my own and you know that is the truth.

I may not like you or your men but my life is all about others. Please I ask again, let us be in peace at least for this time. Let's find your son. I do have an idea where he is. I just don't want a war. Who has him will kill him on your actions. We can't get there." Megalyn explained.

The King hopped off his horse and slowly walked over to Megalyn. The Forest ones gripped their weapons and walked to Megalyn's side.

"Are you saying the filth of Ocean Towers has my son?" Johnkell shouted.

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