Chapter 12; Death is Never Permanent

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Heat, pain, and darkness was a constant factor. The blood red ground was endless, with patches of sand that stuck to his feet. The endless cries of souls forgotten in this barren place assaulted his ears.

Silence would have been much appreciated. The only change in his daily routine was when he found a companion. Geoffrey didn't like the man at first, for an obvious reason, for Ryan had killed him for a crown. Once the two men realized their goal was the same, get back to the overworld, they quickly learned about each other, well, the stuff Ryan was willing to share anyway.

"Do you see that?" Ryan spoke up, pointing over the crest of a nearby hill. A purple glow shone over the hill. Both men headed for it, cresting the hill and stopped dead. A beautiful black frame stood there, made from pure obsidian. Purple filled the frame, particles like Ender dust floating away from it.

"Ready to become mortal again?" Geoff asked Ryan, who nodded. When you manage to leave the nether, tour body dissolves from its burial site, and reappears where you come out. Your spirit flows into the body and voilà you are mortal again. Those who's body has been burned or is no longer available, receive a new body to make their own.

Geoff walked through first, stepping into his body on the other side. It was a graceful process and Geoffrey relished the cool air and sun. Stepping away, Ryan came through, sliding into his own body.

"Much nicer, but do you have a map? I'm not sure where we are" The man asked, turning to Ryan.

"Nope" Sighing, he looked around.

"Well, let's make a shelter and work on getting home" Geoff stated, heading to the nearest tree.

•Meanwhile: Ray's throne room•

"You fucking killed him!" Gavin shrieked.

"He told me to!" Michael snapped.


"Gavin, shut up. I'm King now, besides Ray will come back" The new king moved to the throne, a long blue cloak covered by white fur on the shoulders, was draped over his brown top and yellow pants.

"Fine. But, does this mean no more nightly cuddles?" Gavin asked, pouting. The man turned to look down at his jester and boyfriend.



"Stop being stupid" Michael smirked, as Gavin scoffed lightly.

•Week later•

"Sire!" Jack raced into the throne room.

"Yes?" Michael looked over at Jack, before a man walked in. Black cape swirled around his legs.

"How dare you show your fucking face in my throne room you.." Michael stormed down the steps, crossing the room and pinned the man to the wall. Narrowing his eyes, he leveled the blade at Ryan's throat.

"Michael, drop him" A new voice sounded. Spinning around, dropping Ryan, he faced the second man. Again he moved quickly, but this time to hug the man who called his name.

"Geoffrey" Michael whispered, squeezing the man. Then a shocked gasp echoed, and Michael moved away, knowing who gasped. In the blink of an eye, Geoff was tackled to the ground, by Gavin.

"Geoff!" Gavin cried out, squeezing the man tight. The older man hugged him back just as tight.

"You came back" Michael whispered as Gavin and Geoff broke apart, getting to their feet.

"And you are king" Geoff stated. Ryan walked over, staying on the other side of Geoff, away from Michael.


"But where is Ray?" Ryan inquired, confusion in his eyes.

"At the Kings request, I unfortunately had to kill him" Michaels gaze shifted down as he talked, voice getting softer.

"R-Ray's dead?" Ryan's voice spoke up in the dead silence. Michael only nodded, his head hung in shame.

"Gavin, show them to their rooms, we will talk more later" Michael didn't like the tension building in the air.

"Yes Micoo" The man responded turning to his father and Ryan. Gesturing for them to follow, he led them out whilst Michael headed to his throne. A few moments later, the Jester was back by his side, rubbing the Kings left shoulder gently.

In Ryan's room, the atmosphere was a tad different. He paced back and forth, feet tapping in a rhythmic manner. Geoff was invited into his room shortly after Gavin left.

"They fucking killed him" The pacing man grumbled.

"Did you and Ray have a connection?" Geoff asked innocently. That stopped Ryan dead, and he turned to face the man settled on blue sheets.

"It was one-sided. He uh, didn't know my real feelings" Ryan admitted. This was a side Geoff never saw, the Ryan that told the problem as it was.

"Of course, he did kill me after all, but I'd let bygones be bygones if he shared my feelings" Ryan settled beside Geoff, cradling his head in his hands.

"I'm sure Ray knows more than you give him credit for" Geoff responded.

It's funny really, when one man who was murdered by the other for a position, is now consoling him. Ryan killed Geoff for a crown, but now they are friends. Strange it seems how life works out sometimes hmm? Meanwhile, Michael retired to his chamber, Gavin following behind him.

The pair reached their room, shutting the door and preparing for bed. Gavin wore his blue, black and green nightdress, while Michael adorned a blue and brown one with yellow trim. Laying beside each other, they welcomed the night. Geoff left Ryan for the night, heading to his own room.

Geoff found it quite odd, to be back in this castle, yet not be its King. In a way, he was relieved as he was getting older and with young blood like Michael, he was actually happy in a way.

•In the nether•

Eyes fluttered open as heat raked across his body. Dark light surrounded his view, and pain erupted in his heart.

Struggling, the man got to his feet and looked around. No sign of others, he was all alone. Is Ryan nearby? He thought as he started walking. Souls cried out, screeching on his ear drums as he walked.


[Photo of Crown colored via Recolor app]

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