Authors Note

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Guys.... I am SOOOOO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT! I got a new laptop and couldn't remember the password and made a new account... KTChen but Was so upset that I couldn't finish this story. So Im going to go back and reread it, and start writing the next part! Though I hope by that time Wattpad fixes this stupid Editor thing in the chapters. It's glitched and I hate it! It was fine before >.> Have you noticed it yet? If not, I suggest attempting it, because I for one, hate it.

FOR EXAMPLE: I just posted this... right.... well guess what? HALF OF THIS WAS GONE AND I HAVE TO REWRITE IT!

I am updating this again, once I reread and get back into the mojo. There's a new cover... blah blah blah.... I love you guys <3 Thank you for sticking through and stuffs ^-^

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