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You know guys... I love autocorrect. Without it, most of these words would be miss-spelt xD

Everyone turns to Falcon, some in shock, others in confusion. One of the Alpha's, Alpha Ray, stands up and adresses him. "Alpha Falcon, what is your reasoning behind this objection?"

Falcon growls as his eyes meet mine. "She is NOT the rightful leader of this pack! She's my mate! MINE!" I can feel the fire within me trying to get out, the anger and hurt swirling around me like a hurricane.

"YOUR Mate? Excuse me ALPHA Falcon, but you rejected me. I am no mate of yours. Besides, the pack whore has always been your favorite. I'm surprised you haven't marked her yet... I'm also surprised your father hasn't taken the Alpha title away from you. Letting your pack mates cross pack lines could cause a war. You're lucky I was in a forgiving mood." The Alphas start to back away from the table, knowing that what I just said could cause a dominance fight.

Falcon, unable to control his wolf any longer, shifts. His eyes darkening, anger relivent. I search his mind, trying to find his train of thought.

'...She was human... she was always human... I loved her before.... so afraid.... betrayal... pain...'

My heart breaks slightly as I realize why he did it. "You...rejected me... because you thought I was faking my scent? Because you were AFRAID of me? Of what I can do? Falcon... Do you realize what you've done? You've rejected the only thing in the world that was made for you... you threw it away... threw me away..."

'...So sorry.... Forgive me.... be mine.... mate...'

Shaking my head, I look over at Dylan, and smile. "It's too late Falcon. I've found a new mate. One that will be twice the Alpha you'll ever be. It's time to forget you and move on.  I've waited long enough." Falcon looks towards Dylan, and starts running towards him, rage filling his eyes. "Falcon, Stop!" I shout, using as much Alpha authority as possible. To my surprise, it makes him slow down. I quickly shake the surprise off. "Falcon, if you harm one hair on his head, or any part of his body, it will be an act of war. I am Alpha here, which means you would be attacking an Alpha's mate. Don't be stupid." Falcon comes to a complete stop and glares at Dylan. His thoughts are all over the place, no doubt the fault of his wolf.

'...My mate... Ryvr.... Mine.... do anything for forgiveness... please...'

My mother walks up to me, and places a hand on my shoulder. "Give him a chance to redeem himself. Don't make any rash decisions. Remember Ryvr, you are an Alpha now. It's time to start thinking like one." Sighing, I recompose myself and stare down at Falcon.

"Falcon, I'll give you three weeks to somehow change my mind on this. At the end of the three weeks, if you have failed to do so, I will take my best pack fighter, Dylan, as my mate. Now, since the ceremony has been... postponed, I'm sure everyone would like to get back to their packs. As would I. It appears my Beta has finally found his mate. Falcon I think you know her as Cindy." I bow to the other Alpha's, acutely aware of Falcon's eyes following my every step. Bowing, the other Alpha's take their leave. Except Alpha Ray.

"Excuse me Alpha, but I would like to talk to you for a minute, if you don't mind."

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