Chapter 18

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"So...Liam isn't working out?" My mom asked when I came home.

"Well..I think I might still...kinda....a little bit...not love but like...."

"Alex. You can tell me." She giggled.

"Well I might still have feelings for Edward." I admitted awkwardly.

She nodded, "I know."

"You know?!" I exclaimed.
Man, moms really do know everything.

"When we had dinner with him that night, although you two were arguing, you looked happy to be arguing with him." She explained, "Sounds dumb, I know. Even when you were around him during your ..pregnancy,"
Mom always hates bringing that up,
"you were always so happy to be around him."

I guess I never noticed.

"Plus, I'm your mother." She winked. "I know you pretty well."

I sighed, "What do I do?"

"I can't tell you what to do, Alex." She admitted, "I wish I could. You have to follow your heart."

"Follow my heart." I repeated.
Damn mom that's helpful...

"She told me to follow my heart, but I don't know what my heart is saying." I explained.

Harry looked at me seriously, "What the real question is ... are you willing to sacrifice something you already have for something that could or could not be there?"

Harry had a point. A really really good point.
Am I willing to leave Liam for something may or may not work in the end?
"I just need some time." I sighed, "Edward really confused me with that kiss."

"I understand. Alex, I'm not trying to make you choose Edward, but if you two ended up marrying...we would be related. Wouldn't you love that?" He chuckled slightly.

"Oh of course!" I laughed in a joking way.

Harry poured me a cup of tea, "So...tell me what you're thinking."
I swear Harry is literally my therapist.

"I'm thinking how easy it would be to just stay with Liam." I admitted, "But what if what Edward and I have is even better than that?"

Harry nodded, "Think of pros and cons, that might help."

"Okay. Okay. I'll try."
As I was thinking, the front door opened, revealing no on other than Edward Styles.

Edward looked to me, "Hello."
Then he took off upstairs.

I couldn't help but stare as he jogged up the stairs.
I want to talk to him...

"Go." Harry told me.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Go! Go talk to him." He told me. "If you don't, I will."

"Ugh, I'm going!"
I began walking up the stairs, then I came to Edward's door. I was about to knock when I saw him undressing. His back was still covered in tattoos in random places, just as it was years ago.
Man he is muscular!
I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He was so...perfect.
When Edward turned around, his toned stomach is the first thing I noticed.

Oh god.
Edward opened the door, "You can come in you know..."

"Right." I replied, embarrassed.
I took a step inside and felt my cheeks growing warm. "I came to talk."

Edward acted as if he wasn't paying much attention to me and he even started taking off his pants!

"So...uh...." I started, trying not to stare, "I just want to know your thoughts on some things."

"Which are?" He asked, turning around.

Edward Styles, you're killing me.
"Can you see married one day? Actually having a life together?"

Edward took a few steps towards me, "Of course I do."

"You do?" I asked, looking at him up and down.

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

"You're making this very hard." I told him, "I can't focus."

"Let's just not talk then." He smirked, moving closer to me.

I couldn't take it anymore!
"Right. Let's." I agreed.

Edward held onto my waist and pulled me into him. My breath hitched at the sudden contact. He trailed his fingers down to my stomach and lifted my shirt up and over my head.
"You're so beautiful." He whispered, diving down, kissing my neck.

Shivers went all down my back.
This felt...right.
Edward brought my face up to his and leaned in so close our lips were practically touching. When our lips finally did meet, fireworks went off in my chest. My hands found their way into his hair and I squeezed slightly.
Edward picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He sat on the bed with his hands on my lower back.
I felt him becoming harder underneath me.
This made me feel pretty great about myself, I must say. 

I made my hips grind into his, earning a moan of appreciation from his mouth.
"Fuck, Alex."

I smiled against his lips, feeling even better than before.

Edward laid me down on my back and hovered over me, "I want you, Alex."

"I want you." I replied back.

"And I want you to STOP!" Harry's voice suddenly came from down the stairs. "You're awfully loud!"

"GOOD!" Edward yelled back. Then he picked up a pillow and threw it at the door, slamming it shut.

Once the door was closed, he went back to business. Taking my face with his hands, he pressed himself onto me harder.
My hands reached for his boxers, taking the waistband and pulling it down. Edward kicked off his boxers and then he pulled down my skirt.

He stopped kissing me and looked down at my undergarments.
"Although these are very nice on you, they have to go."

He pulled down my thong and threw it across the room. Then he started to unhook my bra. Or well...he tried to. He was having a few difficulties.
"This is embarrassing." He laughed, "It's been a while."

"How long?" I asked, curiously.

"Well...the last time was when we...when we fooled around." He admitted.

"Oh." I replied, smiling.

Finally, he was able to get the last hook off and my bra slipped off of my shoulders.
"Well this is a lot better than I remembered." He joked, kissing all over my face. "I love you."

Should I say it back? I don't want to ruin the moment...

"You don't have to say anything back, I just wanted you to know." He said as if he was reading my mind.
Edward's hands roamed all over my body, feeling me up.
I pulled him back down to my face and smashed my lips against his.
This was something I'll never forget.

Let me know what you think!


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