Chapter 11

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This happens every time I'm here. Mom never wants us to leave, so we end up staying a lot longer than we should. It's been a good week that we've been here, and honestly I'm ready to get home. I'm ready to be alone with Liam not staying in my parents house.
"Liam it's been a week." I complained.

"I know, Alex. Your parents just don't want you to go." He said with a sorrow face.

"I understand, but I want to be home. With you." I sighed, leaning against him.
I needed to get out of this town. It was bringing me down  and making me super hormonal.

"Just a few more days okay? Then we'll leave." He smiled, "Do you think we should live here one day?"

"Live here?" I asked.

"Yeah I mean, I only took you away because of Marcel. You're okay now." Liam explained. "You'll be closer to family and friends."

"Maybe." I answered.
Live here? Sure it's an idea but I don't know. I kind of liked being away from this place. There's just so many bad memories here. I feel suffocated sometimes if I stay too long. Sure, I grew up here, but it's just not the same. It's tainted with memories of Marce and my dad. Not to mention all the boy craziness in high school.
Damn, I really got around didn't I...

I shook my head at the thought. Then I turned to Liam and kissed his cheek before I walked into the bathroom and checked myself. I looked at my reflection in the mirror as my father's words played in my head.
"You have a new glow to you."
I turned to the side and looked at my stomach.
I'm getting bigger...
I hope no one will notice...
I really need to tell everyone but I just haven't been able to find the right time.
Or maybe I'm just stalling..

"What do you want to do today, love?" Liam asked as he came into the bathroom with me.

"Let's go out tonight!" I exclaimed. I need to warm Liam up to this. I'm telling him tonight.
"They have all the Christmas lights up and it's always fun to go look at."

"Christmas lights it is." He agreed.


Later that afternoon we paid a visit to the Styles'. Edward was watching TV while Harry answered the door for us.
"Hello Alex! Always a pleasure." He smiled, "Hello Liam."

"Hey Harry." He nodded.

"Louis and Zayn are actually coming over too if you'd like to stay for a bit until they get here." Harry suggested, leading us into the house.

"Of course." I replied, "I love them!"

Liam and I walked inside, holding hands. Edward finally got up from the couch and came to greet us.
"Hey." He smiled nervously.

Liam nodded at him, but didn't say anything.
"Hey Edward." I said.

"Good to see you two." He said.

"Mhm." Liam mumbled.

Liam is so petty I swear..

"How about you sit down." Harry told us, looking at me specifically.

"I'm fine." I mouthed.
He's taking this baby thing way too seriously.
Liam lead me to the couch and we plopped down.

"Do you want a drink?" Harry asked us.

"I'll have a beer." Liam replied, "Thanks, dude. You want something, Alex?"

"Okay, one beer coming up." Harry laughed, "And none for Alex."

"Why?" Liam asked, confused.

"Umm well, I don't believe in beer for ladies." Harry lied, and scurried off.

"Right..." Liam mumbled, "Is he okay?" He asked me.

"He's just weird like that." I answered.

Shortly after, the door bell rang and in came Zayn and Louis.
"Z!" Edward exclaimed, giving him a hug.

"Hey man." Zayn replied, "I'll be right back I gotta piss."

Louis ran up to Harry and tackled him, "My love!" He cried, then kissed his cheek in a very dramatic way.

"Louis get off me please." Harry rolled his eyes, "I need to tend to my guests."

"I'm a guest too." He pointed out. "Alex!" He yelled and ran to jump on me.

"Don't jump on her!" Harry cried worried.

"Why?" Louis asked, stopping in his tracks.

"She's fragile." He stated.

"Harry. I'm fine." I told him, giving him a look.
Harry has been so protective of not only me, but everyone else since Marce passed away. I guess he feels slightly guilty for all the trouble he used to cause him.

"Hello Liam." Louis smiled, sitting next to him on the couch.

"Hey." He replied.
Liam seemed really uncomfortable as he leaned into me. "We aren't staying long right?" He whispered.

"We don't have to." I replied.
Liam is a bit older than the rest of us and really didn't grow up with any of them like I did. I could see how he would feel awkward.

Zayn strolled back into the room and gave me a hug, "Good to see you." Then he sat down and started to light a cigarette.

"Hey!" Harry cried, "Helloooooo? No smoking in the house."

"Ugh, fine." Zayn said, putting away the lighter but keeping the cigarette in his mouth.

"Is that a metaphor Zayn?" Louis asked.

Zayn rolled his eyes and then put the cigarette behind his ear, "Shut up."

"Hey Edward, didn't you read that book?" Louis teased.

"Yeah? So what?" Edward asked defensively.

"I was just asking." Louis said, putting his hands up in defense.

"There's not much to do in jail, Louis." Edward explained.

"Wow you guys are hyper." Liam pointed out.

"You get used to it." I told him, shrugging.
I guess I never noticed how serious Liam was. He rarely "goofed off".
This has to be overwhelming for him.

"So Alex, you're still here huh?" Zayn asked.

"My mother never wants me to leave." I explained, shrugging.

"Aren't all moms like that?" He asked.

"I guess you're right." I answered back, "She always enjoys our company."

"Hey Alex can I talk to you?" Zayn asked, "In private?"

I looked to Liam slightly. He seemed okay with it.
"Uh, sure."

Zayn and I walked out to the porch. He lit his cigarette and them turned to me, "I know your secret Alex."


GAHHHH does Zayn know?!

And guys, if you're into O2L aswell,  I am starting a fanfic. It's called Fall For You. You should check it out :) it's about Connor! (Yes I know he's gay but it IS called a fanfic) haha

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