Chapter 4

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The next morning I felt a little better. Liam made me breakfast in bed (without bacon) and we stayed together and cuddled for half the day.
"Hey babe, do you wanna go over to Scott's house? Do you feel well enough?" Liam asked once we finally decided to eat out of bed.

"Yeah, I think I'll be fine." I smiled, "Let's go, I love Scott."

Scott and Liam have been best friends since we've lived here. He's had some troubles with his girlfriend, Alexis, lately. I guess he's not doing too well today. He always throws a party when he's feeling down.

After we got dressed, we headed right to his house. When we got there, Scott had a few friends over. I didn't recognize some people, but I did know a few.
"Amy! Hi!" I exclaimed when I saw her.

Amy is a good friend of ours, she's Scott's sister. We only met her a few times, but she's so fun to be around.
"Hey, Alex! How have you been?"

"Pretty good." I answered, "I was feeling a little bad yesterday but I'm okay now. I guess it's all this weather change that's been going on."

"Alex?" A voice said behind me.

As I turned around, my mouth dropped open. My stomach was filled with nervousness and my heart felt heavy.

Zayn gave me a big smile, "I never would have thought to see you here! How've you been?"

"Wow! This is crazy...I've been good. I'm living with Liam now." I replied, pointing to Liam.
Why is Zayn here?!

Liam saw me pointing, and waltzed on over.
"Hey, are you talking about me?" He joked.

"Liam, this is Zayn. We were friends back in high school." I explained, "So, Zayn...what have you been up to?"

"Just traveling a bit." He said, lighting a cigarette, "Have you been back lately? I know Harry won't shut up about you."

"No, I haven't. But in a few weeks we'll be up there." I explained.

Zayn looked like he wanted to tell me something, like something was really bugging him. He had this strange look of his face. You know when you're hurt but you're trying to convince people you're fine? It was like that!
"That's good."
A puff of smoke spilled from his lips, "So um...are you two like a...couple?"

"We are." Liam confirmed, putting an arm around me.

This is getting awkward.
I dated Zayn's best friend.

Zayn inhaled into the cigarette again, "How've you been know, the funeral? Have you seen any of the guys sense?"

"Um no. I keep in touch sometimes but I haven't actually seen them." I answered, "How about you?"

"I visited Edward a couple weeks ago." Zayn smirked, "I saw Niall a while back too."

Edward. That's what was on his mind. He knew something about Edward.

"Alex, can I talk to you? Alone?" Zayn asked nervously.

Liam tensed up a bit, but I looked up to him, assuring everything would be okay.
When I nodded to Zayn, he led me to one of the back rooms in the house and shut the door.
"Edward is out of jail, Alex."

Well that hit me like a truck!
Edward...out of jail? So soon? That can't be, can it?
"Oh." Is all I could say.
I couldn't find words!

"He's probably going to be there when you visit Harry and Anne. I just needed to tell you, so you wouldn't be so shocked when you saw him. He got out yesterday." Zayn explained, looking down at his feet.

I can't think of Ed right now. It still pains me that I just kind of left him without an explanation. Not to mention the last time he even saw me was at Marcel's funeral, and boy he was pissed. Edward never knew Marcel and I were together. He had to find out the day of his funeral.

"You alright?" Zayn asked, interrupting my train of thought.

"Yeah, it's just been a while since I've heard of him." I said, biting the inside of my cheeks.

"These past 5 years have gone by real fast." He pointed out, "I've been real lonely without you guys. Louis and I hang out a bit, but not much. I don't really have anyone."

My heart ached for Zayn. I know he felt so lost without Edward. I knew he was an outcast and I figured his home life wasn't the greatest just by the way he acted in high school.
"You still have me."

"Thanks, Alex but I really don't. You live here now, away from everybody." He said in almost a rude tone.

"Oh." I muttered, looking away from him.
Well that was harsh.

Zayn stayed there for a minute not speaking. Then he finally asked, "Do you miss him?"



No. I can't talk about this. Not here. I have to get out of here.
"I-I should go." I stammered, leaving the room without an answer. "Liam can we go home?" I asked as I reached him.

"Are you feeling bad again?" Liam asked, grabbing my hand.

"Mhm. I just need to lay down." I lied.

"Sure, we can go."
Liam held my hand as the walked out the door and into our car. As we drove off, I looked in the mirror to find Zayn watching us leave.



Sorry it's been a while guys. I've been busy dancing! I don't know if I will continue with this book. It's too much with all my dancing and soon to be school work.

I just don't know



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