Chapter 21

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"Push, Alex! You can do it!"

With one final push, I suddenly felt relief over my body. Just as I opened my eyes, I saw him. My baby boy.
"Edward, look."

Edward turned and I saw tears form in his eyes.
"Oh my god."

I started crying as well when he was placed into my arms.
This is it, the moment we've been waiting for. Nothing could compare to this moment. I have never been so happy in my life.
"He's...beautiful." I whispered.

Doctor Gail smiled at me, "I'll give you a few minutes before we're going to wash him up."

I nodded to her and looked back down at my boy. My son.

"He's got your nose." Edward pointed out.

Our son then started squirming, breaking into loud cries.
"And he's got your attitude." I joked.

"Mrs. Styles?" Doctor Gail said, "May I take him?"

I didn't want to let him go. I wanted to keep holding him forever.
"Oh okay."
I gave my child to her and she carefully placed him in a baby bed.

"He'll be back shortly." She assured me.

A few moments after she walked out, the gang walked in.
"Where is he?" Harry asked walking in with Louis' hand in his.

"He's being cleaned." I told them, "Come on in, sit down."
Harry, Louis, and now Niall, Zayn, and even Liam walked in.
"Holy crap, when did you guys get here?"

"I came as soon as I heard!" Zayn replied. "Uncle Z is here." He said with tears flowing down his face.

"Zayn are you crying?" I asked.
I don't think I had ever seen that man cry.

"No...well. Yes. I'm crying, but I'm a cool way." He sniffled.

"Your parents are on the way, they called me." Liam explained.

"Hello Liam." I smiled.

"Hey, Alex." He smiled back and came to give me a hug.

"I was the last to know..." I heard Niall say in the background.

"I'm sorry Niall!" I told him, "You'll be the first to hold him."

Niall grinned from cheek to cheek, "Really?!"

"Really." I said.

Edward sat down in bed with me, "You look tired, love."

I wanted to hit him.
"Well I did just go through six hours of intense contractions and birthed your child!"

Edward rolled his eyes, "Still grumpy I see."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Shut up."

"Mrs. Styles?" My nurse came into the room.


"Would you like a shower?" She asked.

"You bet!" I exclaimed.

Everyone cleared the room and my nurse helped me shower off and change my bed sheets.

After I was all cleaned up, the whole crew came back into my room.
"Is the baby here yet?" Harry whined.

"No, Harry." I rolled my eyes.

Harry sat down in frustration, "I just want to hold him."

Lou grabbed his shoulder, "Relax, love. The baby isn't going anywhere." Then he looked to me, "He's so dramatic, I swear."

"He's the dramatic one?" I laughed.

My parents were now here, as well as Anne.
"Alex! I'm so proud of you, honey." My mother cried, "You're so grown up I just can't believe it."

Dad came and kissed my cheek, "You look lovely."

Anne then came and hugged both Ed and I, "You two are just adorable."

"Mrs. Styles?" The nurse called and stepped into the room, my son in her arms. "Someone's here to see you."

I covered my mouth, fighting back my tears once more. She then placed him in my arms and left the room.
"Isn't he just precious?"

Edward kissed my forehead, "Can I hold him?"

I nodded and handed him over to Edward. Ed sat down in the rocking chair beside me and smiled down at our son, "I didn't think I could love something so much."

Everyone took turns holding our little boy and when he finally reached Harry, he was beyond excited!
"My nephew." He said, "Wow he's so little!"

"I remember when you guys were born." Anne told him, "You were the fattest one."

"He still is." Edward chuckled.

Harry glared at him, "Oh whatever."
When Harry was done, he handed him back to me.

"Alex...we never named him." Edward pointed out.

He's right we never did. But what could his name be?
I thought long and hard, and then it came to me. I looked around the all of the faces around me and then stared back down at my son.
Everyone's eyes started to water, including my own.
"I want to name him Marcel."

When I looked at Edward, with tears in my eyes, he was wiping his own away.
"Marcel it is."

"Marcel Styles." I repeated.

Marcel squirmed in my arms and opened his beautiful hazel eyes. He yawned and then curled back into me, holding onto my index finger.
When I looked to the door, I swear I saw him. Marcel was in the door way, smiling greatly at me.
That's when I knew that everything was going to turn out perfectly...I had little Marcel in my arms and my best friend watching over him. This was the beginning of something beautiful.


Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the series! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH for reading and I hope you stick with my other books as well!

I love y'all

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