Chapter 20

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"Edward, breakfast is ready!"  I called from the kitchen.

Edward came zooming in, and practically jumped on me! "Good morning!"

"Hey, hey! Watch the belly." I joked around with him.
My stomach practically the size of  a huge exercise ball! I was nine months and I could have our baby any day now.

"Right!" Edward smiled, "How's Jr?"

"I think he's doing alright." I replied, placing a hand on my plump belly.
"I could have him any day now."

"I know, it's making me nervous." Edward admitted.

"No need to be." I assured him, handing him a plate, "By the way, you should be making breakfast for me! I'm the pregnant one."

"Okay, okay." He chuckled, "Tomorrow morning! I'll make you breakfast."

"That's right." I smirked.

Edward and I sat down and ate our breakfast.
It's been five years since we've gotten together and three since we've been married. As bad as it sounds, leaving Liam was the best thing I've ever done. Liam and I still talk to this day, he's still a very good friend of mine. He is not married, but he's been seeing some girl often. I don't think he can really be fully committed. It makes me wonder if we would have ever ended up being married. He said he wanted to but...I feel like Liam is just one of those guys. He's never going to settle.

"So, I think we should go on a walk today." Edward suggested.

"Why's that?" I asked.

"I read it's good for pregnant women and the baby." He answered, "Plus, I have off today, so it's perfect."

"Okay, but does this mean you're calling me fat? Do I need exercise?" I asked in a serious tone.

"No! Never!"

I laughed. I always mess with Edward on these things. "I'm kidding."

Edward smiled down at his plate and took a bite of his eggs, "You think you're funny."

"I am funny." I told him, "Oh! By the way, Harry is coming over today."

Edward cocked an eyebrow, "Is he?"

"Him and his fiancé." I winked, "Can you believe it? Harry and Lou. Who would have thought?"

- - -

As Edward and I walked in the park, we got many stares of delight. We're very well known in the community and people adore us together.
As I was about to bend down to throw a rock across the lake, I felt a pain in my abdomen. "Ouch."

"Are you alright?" Ed asked, bending down to help me up.

I nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'm okay."
That's when I felt it. My eyes widened as liquid started running down my legs.


"My water just broke." I announced.

"Holy fuck." Edward gasped, "Okay, let's get back to the car."

Edward helped me walk back, taking my waist in his arms. When we finally made it back, I felt a small contraction.
"Oh son of a-"

"I'll get you there in no time, honey."
By the time we arrived at the hospital, I was sweating!
This baby was kicking my ass!

"I got the page!" Harry suddenly called out of no where.

"You have a pager?" I asked Edward.

Edward sighed, "He wanted to be sure he was apart of this...."

"It was your idea, mate." Harry chuckled.

"Pagers are faster than cell phones, okay?!" Edward defended himself.

"Okay I don't care! Get me to a fucking bed please!" I screamed.

"Shit, she's even more grumpy now than she was durning her fourth month!" Harry exclaimed.

I shot him a glare and he understood to shut up.

The nurse put me into a wheel chair and wheeled me into a room, she helped me out of the chair and into bed.
"I hope you're comfortable, Mrs. Styles." She told me, taking me in.
"Your husband and..." She paused not knowing Harry's name, "Your other husband are on the way. They had to sign in for you."

My other husband?!
Before I could say anything, she scooted outside and shut the door.
Alright then.

Soon after, Harry and Ed came in.
"Well that lady thinks you two are my husbands." I announced.

"Interesting." Harry nodded, "Sorry, Alex. You're not exactly my type. I prefer tall, lanky men. How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay at the moment. My contractions aren't as intense...yet." I answered.

Edward sat on the bed by me and held my hand, "I'm very excited." He whispered in my ear.

"We're having a baby." I whispered back, swallowing my tears of joy.

"This is freaking adorable! Let me take a picture." Harry exclaimed and took out his phone.
Edward and I huddled into each other and smiled lightly. Harry took the picture and winked at us, "Cutest couple on the planet."
The past couple of hours had been HELL! I was still just only five centimeters and it'd been at least five hours....

"Are you okay?" Edward kept asking me.

"I guess." I groaned.

"Alex! How are you!" Louis exclaimed as he walked into the room, "Sorry I'm late. I was caught up at work."

"Well...I'm managing." I replied, stating the obvious!

Louis kisses Harry before turning to me, "You look great, Alex."

"Thank you for lying." I replied smiling.

"Niall is on the way too." Lou smiled, "You are just glowing!"

"Yeah that's my sweat." I replied without any enthusiasm.

"Baby, you're doing great." Edward smiled at me, "Try to think positive. It'll all be worth it in the end."

"I know, honey. I'm so ready for- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! GET HIM OUT OF ME!" I screamed, feeling another powerful contraction.

Just then, the doctor came in. She checked up on me and assured me everything would be alright. "Eight centimeters." She told me, "This baby should be coming soon."

I looked to Edward, "I deserve a nice margarita after this."
Suddenly I was drenched in sweat!
"Doctor's happening!"

She lifted up my hospital robe and her eyes went wide, "He's coming fast! Everyone out of the room!"

Everyone except Edward left the room and I braced myself for the birth of our child.
This is long! I'm going to add a couple of more chapters so I can finish up the story! I'll update in 2 days


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