Chapter 15

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The next morning Edward and I went out again. We went for a walk and then came back to his house for lunch.
"Thank you for inviting me over." I told him as we ate.

"Never a problem. I always...enjoy your company." Edward winked.

"Just as I enjoy yours." I replied.
Edward has really changed. In a good way of course! He's very grown up and even cuter than before.
...did I just call Edward cute?

"How about some desserts?" Ed asked after we finished eating.

"Oh gosh! I don't know if I could finish it. I'm stuffed!" I exclaimed, "I swear you and dessert. You're going to fatten me up!"

"Why don't we just chill until you're ready then." He suggested, leaning back in his chair.

"Oh, okay." I smiled.

Edward and I eventually moved and sat on the couch and talked about everything possible! He was really easy to talk to. It was like the old days.
"You know, I missed this." He told me.

"Missed what?" I asked.

"Just being able to talk to you." He admitted, "I missed"
My heart jumped in my chest.
Edward was holding my hand, rubbing his thumb over my knuckles.

"I...uh...missed you too." I stuttered nervously.
Where is he getting at?
I couldn't help but feel that he wanted more than friendship. Don't get me wrong, Ed's a very attractive guy, but I'm not like I used to be. I'm with Liam now.

Edward got closer to me, "I still love you."
Then before I knew it, he kissed me! Edward held my jaw and pressed his lips forcefully onto mine.

I wasn't sure what to do!
Do I kiss him back? Do I like this? I don't think I do. This doesn't feel right.
I immediately pulled away from this kiss and awkwardly looked around the room.

"You don't feel the same way." He stated when I was giving him no response.

"I need ...some time to think about this." I stammered and practically ran out the door.
How could he have done that? Things were going so well. We were friends again. Now things are going to be awkward as hell!

"Liam?!" I called as soon I got home.

"Alex?? Are you okay?" He asked coming out of the office.

"I just missed you. I'm sorry." I almost cried and latched onto him.

"Oh. I missed you too?" He smiled, "I love you."

"I love you." I answered, looking up to him.
Do I tell him?

"So how was your day so far baby?" He asked.

I'm a horrible girlfriend. Fuck.
"It was okay. Would have been better with you...ha.."
I have always been a terrible liar. Liam knee that better than anyone.

" everything okay?" Liam asked, holding me tight.

"I'm fine I just feel kind of sick." I lied.
I can't tell him. He'll go crazy.

"Here lets get you comfy." He smiled and swept me off the floor.
Liam carried me to our bedroom and laid me down in bed. We ended up cuddling and just hanging out together. It made me feel better, but I still felt guilty.

"He did what?!" Harry exclaimed.

"Don't tell anyone!"

I could hear Harry pacing around the room, "I'll kill him I swear! Who does he think he is?!"

"Just calm down." I told Harry, "It's all under control."

"Shit it better be. He needs to move on. Doesn't he know you're not his anymore?" He asked over the phone.

"I know he's crazy for doing this but maybe we can all look past this." I suggested.
Sure, I was mad at Edward too, but I didn't want to cause any commotion.

"Okay, Alex. But one more wrong move and I'll tell him something though. You let me know." Harry warned.

"I will, Harry." I told him. "I should go."

"Okay...see ya." He said and then we both hung up the phone.

Well if Harry flipped like that, imagine what Liam would do.
Why did Edward have to ruin what we had going?! I was getting to like him more as a friend. Ugh. Boys. I hate them.

I rolled over and closed my eyes. I tried thinking of something other than the kiss, but I just couldn't. Then I subconsciously started thinking what it would be like now if Edward and I never were separated...

Sorry it's been so long! Hope you enjoy


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