Chapter twenty-three

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He asked. He god damn fucking asked me about my past. No. It's happening all over again. If I tell Zayn, he's going to tell Harry. Then Harry will hate me forever. If he finds out who I was... Well am, he will be very disappointed in me. Maybe even scared.

I stare at Zayn wide eyed and start to shake my head no."I'm so sorry." I say with tears in my eyes. I step back and my hand touches the door knob. I turn around and sling the door open and run out of it. I can hear Zayn's footsteps running behind me."Niall! Harry! Louis! Liam! Don't let Ellie out of the house!" Yelled Zayn behind me. I keep running. I reach the living where the boys were all on there feet and started to run towards me. I make my way to the stairs and run down them. I see it. I see the door way out. I have to get out of here. It's driving me crazy. I get to the door and unlock it then sling it open and run out of it. My feet stumble down the concrete stairs and my feet hit the wet grass. I ran as fast as I could. I made my way down the street and ran down it. Looking behind me. I see all the boys running as fast as they can to catch me. Why won't they let me go? I only saw them kill someone. Why are they so worried? I turn and see woods and go down them. My feet were hitting the hard woods floor. I look ahead and see a big pond. That's it. With out any thought. I jump into the cold water and swim as fast as I can. Not stopping, I can hear louder splashes behind me. Then I feel Ice cold fingers wrap around my ankles. Then they go upward. The hands were pulling me back but I couldn't even breathe because the water was now in my lungs. I stop moving and was pulled close to something. He had me wrapped tightly around my waist so I couldn't move. When we got to shallow water, he put me on his back. We were out of the water and I was dangling from his shoulder. I look down to see the all to familiar brown boots. They just happen to be Harry's.

"Zayn, what the hell? What happened?" Asked Harry laying me on the couch thinking I was asleep but wasn't. My eyes were closed but I was listing to there conversation."She- I, it's a long story mate."said Zayn. "I've got time." Harry said. I heard Zayn let out a sigh in annoyance."okay, when she was playing hide and clap she fell down the stairs and screamed. The boys freaked out and thought she always dead and thought you would kill them, so they told me and I got her and took her to my room and took her a bath. Yes, she was still in her underwear. When I took off her shirt, on her left side under her boob she has a tattoo that says I'm sorry. She then started talking. Something about a man and a women. Her name was aurora. She jumped out the tub and crawled to me so I hugged her. I picked her up and sat in the tub with her. Then after that I took her to the bed to get her rest. She then started sleep talking. And it was bad." Said zayn. I felt my shirt side come up and a pair of cold fingers traced themselves around my tattoo."And what was she saying?" Asked Harry."here, I recorded her." Said Zayn. My eyes shot open but I closed them to hear what i said. My ears met with my sleeping voice."I'm sorry aurora, he-he was hurting you. *silence* shut the hell up! You know nothing! You hurt her for two years. Two God damn years! I've killed someone before! And I'm not afraid to do it again!" The last of me yelled on the phones speaker. A tear slipped out of my closed eye. The sad part is. That wasn't a dream. It was real.

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