Chapter Seventeen

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"What the hell do you mean you lied?" Said Louis throwing me to the ground." I thought you guys were going to kill me; so I came up with an allele. You guys believed me, I knew Kyle's name because he-." I stopped there. Jacob paid Kyle to bring me to him. Was Jacob in the same gang as Kyle? What have I got myself into? "well." Said Harry. He got closer to me." I used to date a guy named Jacob and he won't leave me alone now, we broke up cause he cheated on me. Jacob paid Kyle to bring me to him and Kyle walked off leaving me with Jacob." I say with tears running down my cheeks. "Jacob who?" Said Louis. "Jacob Luke." When I say that, everyone's head shot up and looked at me. I stared at my hands."Fuck." Said Harry walking out of the room. Everyone followed, accept for Liam." Go out, have some fun, and if you don't come back, we will hunt you down and kill you." Said Liam walking out the door.
    I say there with mixed feelings. Where would I go?then I remembered, NEON. I walk out to the living room and talk to Liam."how can I go out when I don't have anything to wear?" I say. He points at the closet door. I open it and see girly clothes hanging up, with shoes. I pick out a cute pair of daisy dukes, followed by a red crop top. I look at the shoe selection. Hmm, what to wear? I scan till I found the perfect shoes. They were black heels, but they had laces. They were really cute. I grab the makeup bag and head to the bathroom. I apply my makeup and head out the door to see my red car sitting in the driveway.

I hop into my car and drive to NEON. I pull into a parking spot and head toward the entrance. There was a long line of people there so I waited uncomfortably in my shoes. I finally got to the top of the line when the man greets me."Back at you for more are ya?" Said the tall muscular man that let me entered the club the first time."I need a place to go so I can clear my mind." I said as he let me in. The song scary monsters and nice sprites was blasting through the speakers. Neon lights were flashing every where and there were at least a 1000 people in this club. I shove my way past the people and make my was to the bar." What ya have?" Said a man with blond hair." Give me the strongest drink you've got." I said laying my hands in the counter. He pored my drink and gave me a huge cup. With everything that has been going on lately, I chugged down the drink, not knowing what it was. I slammed my empty cup on the table and Stood up. I felt a hand around my wrist and was pulled to the dance floor. When we got to the Middle, I was now face to face with... Jacob. "Leave me alone you fagot." I spoke as he pulled me to him."And why would I do that?" He said smiling." Why, are you going to run back to Harry? He can't protect you Ellie." He finished. "How do-do you know I'm with him?" I say still drunk, he was the only thing holding me up."Your little lie you told is... Well... Not a lie anymore." He said clenching his hands on my waist."What do you mean? My lie is a lie." I say letting my head spin." It's not a lie anymore." He said." What do you mean?" I said pulling away from him and falling on my butt. He grabbed my wrist and Pulls me out the club to the back... This looks familiar. "Let me go or I swear to god that i will kill you!" I screamed."Listen to me slut, I know you care about Harry and his clique-" he said pushing me against the wall."I don't give two shits about Harry and his friends!" I yelled trying to pull away from his grip. He shoved me back to the wall."If you don't do what I tell you, I'll kill him and make you watch!" He snarled in my face."And what is that?" I say laughing. I was now slowly getting sober."Follow me." He said pulling me down a dark alley. I looked up and saw four men all in black hoodies standing around a man with his back against wall, sitting on the cold hard ground. Jacob shoved me to the men and two men held me up by my arms. They were all looking at me."Shoot him." Jacob says shoving a gun in my hand."W-What?" I studded, with the gun shaking in my hand."Shoot him!" Jacob yelled pointing at the man."Or what!" I yelled back at him. "I'll make you and your family suffer the rest of your lives." He said sharply."Shoot him." He said in my ear. "I-I cant kill a innocent man." I say dropping the gun. Jacob picks up the gun and shoves it onto my chest."Shoot him, or suffer." He said now an inch from my face."I-I can't." I say with tears forming in my eyes."Fine." Said Jacob taking the gun out of my hand and shooting the man. I drop to my knees and start crying. He pulls me up and makes two men hold me up. "I'm giving you two chances-" he said stepping closer to me."And what is that?" I say between sobs."Your such a sweet and innocent girl, you don't deserve this, so, I'm going to give you an option, you can rather take the punishment, or Harry and his friends-" he said putting the gun in his inside jacket pocket."So what will it be, you or Harry?" Jacob said. I know Harry and his friends have done pretty bad things in the past to me but, I can't let him get hurt. I think he likes me back. But he's just showing off to his friends."So?" Continued Jacob. I took a deep breath and and finally spoke." I'll take the punishment." When I said that, the two men dropped me and Jacob started to drag me by my wrist to his truck. I was screaming and kicking but one of the men struggled to put tape on my mouth. He picked me up and threw me into the back of the truck. He slammed the door and drove off quickly.
  As I looked around his truck, I saw a shovel, tape, and knives and guns. But that's all I saw before my head hurting and blacking out.

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