Into the furture

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Harry's point of view
Some nights, I would lay my hand on her chest and feel her heartbeat, and other nights, I wouldn't feel it at all.

She laid across the bed in my T-Shirt, smoking a Palmal long. Her hair was a mess and her body, her beautiful body had bruises all over. I could look at her forever. But I didn't look at her body anymore, I looked in her eyes. Cause no matter how much she changes, her eyes never will.

And that's how I knew I loved her, I fell in love with her eyes.

She inhaled the smoke and as she blowed it out, her eyes closed.

"What are you thinking about Ellie?" I say, gazing at her.

She didn't respond.

She laid still on the bed, leaving the filter of her cigarette between her fingers. I walk over to her and try to grab it before it burns her, but she jumped up and looked at me.

Oh I forgot. She doesn't like being touched.

The New York traffic echoed into my apartment, hearing the heavy rain hit the ceiling.

Then there's a knock on the door, I look at Ellie and she looks at me worriedly, I grab my gun from the counter and walk over to the door slowly and quietly. I put my face into the peek hole and see a man.

I hold my gun and slowly open the door.

"Oh my god."

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