Chapter Thirteen

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"You were just in the wrong place at the wrong time." I pulled my eyes away from him and looked out the window. The clouds were threatening a storm. "What were you even doing in that part of the city anyway?! Do you know how many gang fights go on down there. Do you have any idea what time it was Ellie?"

"Enough! Im not a child Harry! I think I can handle myself." He stood up and ran another shaking hand through his hair. I turned back to the window. Early drops now sprinkled from the grey sky. I watched a few burst against the glass. I could feel him watching me. Shouldn't that creep me out? Well it didn't. I started to notice the small things. How the wind teased the grass. How the birds would quickly perch under a tree. How close the storm was by counting from thunder to aproaching lightning. I then stood up and started walking up the stairs. A confused Harry followed. I let my eyes adjust to the low amount of light. I went into my room and opened a window. There was a place infront of the window where the roof was completely flat. I carefully put a foot out of the window. Harry quickly grabbed my arm. "What are you doing?" Without any words I pull my arm away and replaced it with my hand. I sat down on the window sill and swung out my other leg. Then I pulled Harry out with me. When he was out I set his hand free and turned my head to where I could see nothing but the sky. Tiny raindrops softly landed on my skin. I could feel every drop getting heavier. I opened my eyes and moved my head upright again. There were already puddles forming. I watched the last of the birds scurry to their hiding places. Parts of my clothes were now soaked through. I didn't notice myself shivering until there was a tug on my arm. I looked over at Harry. He was smiling from ear to ear. "This is fun."I wrapped my arms around myself to keep warm and slowly made my way back to the window. I climbed inside and went to my closet. I grabbed some sweats and a tanktop. I went into the bathroom and shut the door and locked it. I walked over to the shower and turned on the hot water. I stripped off my soaked clothes and stepped in the shower. The temperature of the water made me cringe. I slightly turned the cold water on. When the water was perfect I closed my eyes and backed up to where my head was directly under the shower head. I stood like that for a few minutes. I then quickly washed my hair and body. I turned off the water but still stood there. Letting the remaining steam play with my skin. I stepped out and slipped on the clothes I picked out. I towel dried my hair and then just left it loose so the air could dry the rest. I opened the door and walked into my room. The cold air hitting my skin gave me chills. The window was closed now. The small raindrops earlier had turned into a full blown thunderstorm. Behind the window was just blur. I didn't even bother turning on the lights. I walked down the stairs into the warm living room. A few candles sitting on a table were lit. It gave a sweet calming glow to the room. I peeked into the kitchen where I found Harry making hot chocolate. I didn't disturb him. I sat down on the couch infront of a blank screen tv. Harry then came in. When he saw me he smiled and handed me a mug of hot chocolate. He was even more soaked than me from the rain. "You can get a shower if you want to." He shook his head. "I don't have any clothes." I smiled at how helpless he looked. So adorable. "I have an extra pair of sweats. They could probably fit you. I like to wear XL sweats for extra comfiness." He laughed "Just leave your wet clothes by the door and I'll wash and dry them." He finally agreed, handed me the tv remote, and went upstairs. I got comfy on the couch and flipped on the tv. After flipping through channels for a whole 5 minutes I stopped on an old black and white movie. I sat and watched it for a few minutes then went upstairs to get Harry's clothes. I threw them into the washer and returned to the movie. After a while I heard the upstairs door open. I forced myself up from my spot and went to the laundry room. I took out the clothes from the washer and switched them over to the dryer. I heard footsteps in the living room. "I just put you're clothes in the dryer they shoud be dry in a few min--" I turned around and I felt light headed. Standing in my living room wearing my sweats. A shirtless Harry Styles. His tangled hair was dripping onto his chest. I swear he was glowing or steaming or something! The water droplets were evaporating as they slid down his torso. I could barely think. I couldn't help but let my mouth drop open. But I was determined that I was NOT going to faint. Then my eyes moved to the cut that was on his lower torso. This time when he saw me looking at it he didn't move away. He moved closer. I didn't move. He took my hand and pulled me out of my daze. He led me to the couch. He sat down next to me and took a deep calming breath. "Ellie the truth is I'm in a gang. Actually all of the boys are in a gang." I was doing pretty good at acting calm. But my mind was going crazy. Are they in danger? Of course they're in danger idiot! Am I in danger?! Maybe. I definately was last night. Are they going to have to kill me now? Ugh. Why..why...why. Who ever said you had to greet your neighbor when you moved in. What about my other neighbor. He probably thinks I think hes lame or something. What if he's not a he? I should bring him cookies or something. Yeah. Okay. Cookies. After I finish this conversation with Harry. Harry?! Oops he's still talking. "What happened last night was a mistake. We had to drug you so you wouldn't react the wrong way and go tell somebody." I nodded for him to keep going. "We were patrolling our street and someone attacked one of our guys. I went to check it out and someone stabbed me. Thats why there was blood all over me. That dead guy you saw was a member from a different gang. One of our guys shot him then left me with the gun just incase any cops came." Wow. He was in a gang. Gangs kill people. Ugh. Maybe that was a gang tatoo he had on his wrist. The dryer buzzed and made me jump. Harry stood up. "Well I guess my clothes are ready." He turned to walk away but stopped. "Oh yeah almost forgot." He pulled something out of his pocket and tossed it to me. My phone. Well. I guess I better get started on those cookies.


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