Chapter Fourteen

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It was the day after Harry's confession. Another rainy day. The clouds were darker than yesterday's. Harry was back at home with the boys, and I was alone. Should I really make those cookies? I sighed and walked to the kitchen. I pushed a chair against a shelf and stood on it. I got on my very tip toes and reached to the top shelf. My hands searched the dark space until I found what I was looking for. I pulled down a heavy faded book. It was my moms cookbook. I put it on the table and brushed the dust off of the cover. I flipped through the old pages. The smell of old paper hit my nose. I smiled just thinking of when I would watch my mom in the kitchen mixing and stirring and burning stuff. It was always a relief when she finally managed to pull a success out of the oven. I came to a page with a realistic picture of cookies on it. I scanned down the page and read. I than scurried around the kitchen gathering all of the appropriate ingredients. I felt just like my mom. "Sugar, cocoa, eggs, chocolate chips, and most importantly love." My mothers words rang clearly in my mind. I laid out all of my tools. I tossed in a cup of this and a spoonfull of that, and sometimes even a splash of something. All the pleasant smells were mixing together. There was flour all over the kitchen, a sweet smell in the air, and a mess in the bowl. I stared into the bowl wondering how everything was going to turn out. I pulled out a pan and poured it. It smelled okay, and it didnt look like it could kill me. I put the pan into the oven. I set the clock and hopped up on the counter. I was anxious to see how they would turn out. Now I knew how mom always felt. I went to the sink to wash my hands. There was no soap. Ugh. So then I trudged upstairs to the bathroom. I turned on the light and my eyes met with my reflection in the mirror. My mouth dropped. I was a mess. There was flour in my hair, on my face, on my neck, all over my arms. How did this happen. I laughed to myself and turned on the water. I rinsed the loose flower off my hands then grabbed the soap to deep clean them. Then it was time to wash my face. I made sure the water was warm enough and then leaned down to the spout. I splashed the warm water on my face. It felt good. As the water trickled off of y face I splashed it again. I made sure to get all of the flour off. I grabbed the towel and dried my face. All of the sudden I heard a car door slam outside. I went into my room and looked out the window. There was a black van in my drive way. Three guys that looked to be in their mid 20's got out of the van. My breath caught when I saw that they had guns. One that appeared to be the leader sent the other 3 around the back. Then he preceeded to the front door. I heard 3 quick knocks on my front door. I quickly slammed my bedroom door and locked it. My hands could barely turn the lock because they were shaking so bad. From my room I heard another 3 knocks except alot harder. I started to panic. I had no idea what to do next. All of the movies I have watched like this always leads to the girl getting killed. I quickly pulled my heavy dresser against the door to make it harder for them to get in. Another sound grabbed my attention. CRASH! The kicked in my door. I heard him walk to the back door and let the others in. I ran into my closet. Luckily it had a lock on the inside that I hadnt noticed before. I crawled to the back and tried to hide myself with my clothes. I pulled out my phone and texted the only person I needed. Harry. I didnt call because I didnt want them to hear me. *HELP! NOW!* I watched my screen as it delivered my message. Maybe even my last words. I heard yelling down stairs. "You two look down here! I'll look upstairs." I heard his heavy steps stomping up the stairs. With every step my heart skipped. Maybe I would have a heart attack before they found me. I heard crashing and thumping downstairs. I looked at my phone. It showed he hadn't read it yet. Oh c'mon Harry now is NOT the time. I heard him in the bathroom. The shower curtain was jerked off the hangers. "Come out come out where ever you are." Chills ran down my spine. It sounded like he was in the closet with me. I started to get light headed and dizzy. Then the spare bedroom was next. Then I heard the timer going off in the kitchen. Rinnnggggg!! I heard the guys downstairs running into the kitchen. The guy from upstairs yell "what is it?" Then laughing echoed upstairs. "She made us cookies boss!" "Stop playing around and CONCENTRATE!" The laughing quickly stopped. Then the sound that could be the death of me. My bedroom door knob was jiggling. "Shit! Shes in here I got her!" Loud foot steps ran up the stairs. I heard loud thumping on the door. They were going to break it down. I could no longer sit up. I was running out of air. The sound of my heartbeat in my ears almost covered up the sound of gunshots downstairs. Not like I could react anyways. Maybe I would be dead before they found me. I stopped fighting it. I layed down on my closet floor. This would be where I would die. The sound of my bedroom door being shot open made me shudder. They kicked through. My closet door knob was jiggling like crazy. A forcefull kick was forced against the door. This time when they tried the door it opened. I squinted open my eyes. The sight made me burst out in tears. "Harry".

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