Don't Get Chummy With Me

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Yo! So I don't really think this chapter is much of anything, i suppose it's almost like a filler chapter. Almost. Anyways, Enjoy, Love, Comment...Whatever it is people do :]


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I stood outside Novosi’s classroom reluctantly. Adrian had already left, so ditching at an epic speed wasn’t an option; I’d let him take my car. And Mrs. Jones, finding out I already had detention, made sure the hall monitors knew about it. She probably had the cameras trained on me; just so she could make sure I didn’t hide in a bathroom.

I sighed and knocked on the door.

“Enter.” I almost choked on my spit. He made it seem like I was in some cheesy movie. I walked in slowly, afraid he was going to run at me, again, with his stupid knife.

Strangely, though, he was sitting at his desk, staring at a two inch thick pile of papers. He held a red pen in his hand but he wasn’t grading. I snickered.

When I he looked up, I almost jumped. I was still very nervous about being around him. I didn’t exactly want to be attacked every day, more than once. Hell, I didn’t want to be assaulted by my teacher-slash-enemy.

“Seeing as you missed yesterday’s detention, you’re going have another one this coming Monday.” Just as I was about to protest, he added, “I’ll make it a Saturday detention if you don’t come.”

I snapped my mouth shut. I sat down at the table a couple of rows away from his desk. When I sat down, I dropped my head into my hand, staring up at the ceiling, still clutching my bag. I felt him staring at me.

“Do you need something, Mr. Novosi?” I asked, huffed. The look in his eyes gave me the feeling that what he was about to say wasn’t what he wanted from me. I doubt he’d want anything other than to kill me. But I pushed that thought out of my head. If the worst came down, I’d just knock him out. I’d brought knockout gas disguised in a bottle of pepper spray.

“Why are you just sitting there?”

“That’s usually what we do in detention, sir,” I said, slumping in my seat.

“See this pile here? Yeah, it’s not happening with only one person. I need to grade all of these by tomorrow.” Novosi gestured for me to come up, I rolled my eyes, complying. “Take this half,” he said dumping it into my hands. “You can grade these, and I’ll grade this.”

He set a pen on top of the pile and shooed me a way. I just gaped at him. Me, grading? Ha! He had to have been an idiot to think I would grade these. Wait he was an idiot.

“You’re trusting me with these?” I asked skeptically. “I would most likely put a big, fat ‘F’ on all of them.”

“So would I, but I’d get fired for that. So get cracking, you’re not worth getting fired,” he grumbled. I was about to sit at my desk when I spun around to face him.

“Why the hell are you teaching at my school, anyway? You’re supposed to be some big arse assassin, but you’re here. If you’re targeting me, then hell yeah, I’m out of here.”

“What makes you think you’re the target?” Novosi asked, there was a hint of anger in his voice.

“Hmm, well, I don’t know, the fact that, like I said, it’s the third time you’ve tried to kill me in two days. And even risked your job to maul me at school. No, I don’t know why I would think I’m a target,” I spat. For some unknown reason, he laughed at that.

“Well, lucky for you, you’re not my target. I just happen to hate you.”

“Then why are you working here?” I almost yelled. He seemed to lose the laughter in his eyes, and strangely, it bothered me. He looked better when he smiled. Shit. I slapped myself. How the hell did that thought get into my head? I slapped myself again for double measure. Novosi narrowed his eyes at me.

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