Chapter Twenty-Three

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Jordanne's POV

There was no hope in getting away from the lava. We couldn't find anything in the chests. The only thing that we even could do is close the doors, which were wooden. A girl has already been taken out by lava, if we didn't come up with a plan we would too.

"So," I said nonchalantly. "Any ideas?"

"Well, no," Lilly said.

"Nope," Dylan said. "Wait! I got it! What if we put down the chests to walk on?"

"Dylan," I said. "Have you not noTICED THAT IT'S COMING FROM THE ROOF?!" I yelled. Lilly just stared at me slack jawed. "Sorry, I'm just stressed. But no, Dylan, even if we could somehow manage to get it to stop flowing from the roof, the chests are made of wood. They would burn under our feet."

Dylan looked kinda sad and I felt bad, I mean the poor guy just saved my life, the least I could do is not snap on him. It's not like I snapped on people often, it's just that at this moment my mind was not up for crazy ideas.

"It was a good plan though," Lilly said. She smiled at Dylan in which he returned. "Anyways, so, that idea's out. Any other plans?"

I shook my head, as well as Dylan.

We're never going to get out of here.


Bayani's POV

Girl out. Cause: Lava.

Yeah, I kinda just saw her get out in front of me. Carly and I were walking around Spawn, looking for girls when we heard a guy's voice. We already decided that we had to get the girls out before we won the Games we'd get our revenge on those girls.

Well, now my teammate was gone. The person who had the plan to get the girls out.

I wouldn't imagine that the lava actually hurt. In fact, getting shot by a Skeleton probably hurt more. I just walked away from the shop, not even bothering to rescue the captive inside.


Jordanne's POV

"Any ideas before the lava burns down the shop and gets us?" I asked. They both shook their heads. "Fine, we're all going to get out. Bye guys, we're going to let Bayani win. Well, it was nice knowing you guys."

"Jordanne, calm down," Dylan said. "We're going to get out of here. Trust me. You two are smart, you guys will come up with a plan. I know you will. Just think, put your heads together."

Lilly smiled at Dylan and I just shrugged.

"Jordanne," Lilly said. "Stop being such a Debby Downer."

I just laughed. She and Dylan gave me a questioning look. "Do you not realize that this is hopeless. This shop is going to perish because it is made out of freaking wood. We're all going to die. Bayani's going to win."

I kept mumbling until Lilly interrupted me. "Oh god, if you're not going to chill out, will you at least stop pacing? It's making me nervous."

I stopped walking.

"Good, now sit down and relax."

"Relax? Relax! How am I supposed to relax when we're going to get swallowed by lava? Huh Lilly, how?" I questioned her. I continued pacing. "This is so stupid. Why put a spawn trap on us? Why here? We have Dylan for crying out loud! He's here to help and oh, now they've changed their minds about that."

"Do you need to punch something?" Lilly asked. I nodded. "Punch a wall."

I just sat down by the wall and continued hitting it while Lilly and Dylan discussed a plan.

I heard a few words out of their secret mumbles.

"Wait a second," Lilly said. "Jordanne, look out the window."

I looked out the window to see no more lava. I got up and opened the door to find no lava there either. No lava on the roof. No lava anywhere.

"No more lava," I said. "But why?"

"Maybe because they listened to you," Lilly said. "We do have Dylan after all."

I just shrugged and ran outside. I did a little happy dance, which made Lilly and Dylan laugh.

"Hey, I'm just really happy," I said. "Now we can get Bayani out."

They just nodded and joined in with their own little happy dances.



Hey guys, long time no see. No updates either. Now, put down that pitchfork, I'm looking at you, yes you, why not you? Anyways, we have reasons for no updates. Here they are.

Two weeks ago I was sick. I couldn't put out a chapter on Tuesday, which meant Lilly couldn't update on Friday.

Last week on Tuesday I was really busy, I was busy for like three days, then, Friday came and Lilly felt sick and stuff so no writing for her.

But, anyways, hope you like this chapter. If so, leave a vote, it's much appreciated.

Until next chapter.


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