Chapter Two

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Lilly's POV

I was freaking out. Well, on the outside I stayed calm because if we moved too much it would see us, so on the inside, yes I was freaking out.

This is our first night, why did this have to happen now?

I quickly looked around for anything that could get him away, since Jordanne was frozen in her spot staring at the green monster.

If he didn't blow up I would jump on his head to kill him, but it's a freaking creeper. Not gonna happen.

I finally found a stick and whispered to Jordanne. "I'm going to poke it three times, then run. It'll blow as we run away." I told her.

She nodded, but didn't say a thing. She quickly but quietly collected her stuff as I also put on my backpack, and got ready to put the plan into action.

She was ready to run as I began to poke the ugly green monster with the stick. One, two, three- and we took off running. We heard it explode quite a ways behind us and looked back to see part of the land destroyed and no more creeper. Success.

Jordanne and I high five as we're excited for actually killing the creeper. It was a great play, and a smart way to take him out.

The sun was getting close to coming out, so we didn't waste our time and go back to sleep, we began to walk around.

Last night, most of the girls went to Spawn, but we went to the forest. So, now that most everyone had their supplies, we decided that we should take a quick look at spawn, then find some youtubers.

I knew Spawn like I knew the back of my hand. I had seen nearly every episode so it wasn't that hard to figure out.

We surprisingly found our way to Spawn, but I bet it was luck that we went the right way. We weren't in dire need for anything, but since the sun hasn't come up yet, why not kill some time and check out Spawn in real life?

We ended up looking through some of the shops and didn't really find anything we needed at the time being. Once we finished freaking out at how cool this was, the sun was about to come up.

"Let's get back in the forest." Jordanne suggested and I agreed, we walked back in, being careful of anymore mobs.

We ran into a group of girls, which I didn't really mind at the time. The games had just started and I didn't really want to be caught out and find a skeleton roaming around. A group of six is better than two, at least for now.

"Oh my god, we found a zombie last night and I swear we almost got touched. It was all slimey!" One of the girls gossiped.

At least they didn't get attacked by a creeper. I rolled my eyes at my thoughts.

I was basically done with the group after ten minutes. Big groups aren't my thing, and I kinda wanted to venture off with Jordanne again. But alas, every time we tried, someone noticed.

"Wouldn't it be better if you two stick with us?" One of the, very perky, girls said.

Another one talked. "I mean, I don't think you guys would survive out here all alone, yeah?" I already didn't like her.

"We fought a creeper last night." I said out of the blue. "Yet, you guys died while finding a zombie." We both laughed.

"Fine then, leave. We'll go survive longer than you." And all four of them turned around and walked away.

We laughed as they walked away. "Are they seriously fans?" Jordanne giggled a little under her breath.

"Let's be honest, the guys are hot. That's what they're probably here for." I said, with a laugh.

"That is also true." She agreed, also with a laugh. 


We heard screaming. Not the scare screams, but the Fangirl screams.

"HOLY CRAP ITS BAYANI!" Someone yelled. Of course, Jordanne and I looked to each other and darted our way towards the noise. It was Bayani.

We found a bunch of girls freaking out a bit, and out of the corner of my eye I saw Bayani creep out from a bush.

More screaming, of course. "You'll never get me!" He laughed, and proceeded to take of his shirt, stuff it in his bag, and begin running.

Everyone followed, we haven't gotten anyone out yet, they would have informed us on the messengers they gave us. We needed to get someone out, it would be fun. 

And of course the first person we spotted was a Bayani. But he's also a good runner, and could probably get away from a group of fangirls, for a while at least.

After some time of running, I noticed everyone seemed to stop. "How in the world did he get up there?" Jordanne whispered to me.

I was clearly out of the loop, and didn't understand what she was talking about. She then realized, and pointed to a tree. I followed where she was pointing and saw a wild Bayani at the top of the tree.

I laughed. "He's like Tarzan." I said.

"Yeah, I guess so." She added.

I was also confused as to how he got up there. It was a tall tree, but then again, he was running away from fangirls. You can do anything with fangirls.

Most girls were still screaming at the fact that he was shirtless and he was this close to us. Some began to climb the tree, but gave up once they got some of the way. Some were just standing there, like me, trying to figure out what the heck was going on.

This is the first annual Fangirl Games, and I have a feeling that they're going to be something. Crazy something.

-authors note-

I'm in study hall so I should update this quickly but oh my god I GET TO SEE FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER TONIGHT.

but anyway

Hope your day is going well!! And I also hope you enjoyed this chapter. And if you did, leave a vote! Thanks for reading everyone, can't wait for this book to start to really come together. It's so much fun!

That's all I've got for now. I love you guys, and keep smiling, because it looks great on you.


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