Chapter Eleven

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Bayani's POV

"Damn it, she got away," I heard Tomahawk yell from a distance.

"Dude," H chimed in. "You're a fast runner, how did you not catch her?"

"Because," Tomahawk said through clenched teeth. There was fury in his eyes. "Bayani over there didn't mention the huge detail that she was quick. "

They all stared at me. "What?" I asked. They all just glared at me. "She almost catches me, of course she a fast runner."

"You could've told me that," Tomahawk said. "I mean, Stacy got out from a freaking Fangirl Attack. Imagine you in that situation."

"There is something special about those girls," I said. "I've noticed this from the start. Their objective is to get me out, and we can't let that happen."

They nodded their heads, agreeing with me. We stood there discussing ideas, trying to come up with a plan, when a Zombie came out of nowhere. Tomahawk was quick, grabbing an axe from his bag and driving it into the Zombie's head, killing it instantly.

"What the hell?" H asked Tomahawk. "When did you get a tomahawk?"

"Since a couple days into the game," he answered. I just stared at the metal weapon. It oddly reminded me of Jordanne with her sword. I just shook the thought from my head and continued with strategies for catching the girls.

"We could make a trap," H suggested.

"No good," I replied. "They're too smart for that kind of stuff."

"Or, we could just do hand to hand combat," Grape suggested. We all just glared at him. "What?"

"We would be taken out of the Games for punching girls," Tomahawk said. I nodded in agreement.

"That's not what I meant, but yeah," Grape said. He just shrugged and we went on with other ideas.

"We could try to corner them again," Tomahawk suggested.

"We'll keep that in the back pocket," I said. "As a plan B."

"Well," H said. "What do you have planned?"

"Hmm," I said. I mentally made plans and crossed them out until one was left. "I got it! It's perfect. We'll get them this time."

We all huddled up. I whispered the plan to them. Their faces went from confusion to doubting to nodding excitedly. We then decided to put our plan into action.


Jordanne's POV

"So," Lilly said. "What the hell happened back there?"

"You know," I said. "The usual. He pulled me into a trap. I escaped. They're probably planning something else to catch us. The only thing I don't get is how did he get all of those guys? Like, fangirls are 'dying' more often then them. What if all the fangirls get out? What would happen? How did he even find them?"

"I don't know man," she said. "I don't know. Hey, speaking of fangirls being taken out, how many do we have left?"

"Um," I said. I moved my fingers in front of my face, trying to subtract. "Well, there was fifty to start with. Four bitchy girls got out, leaving it at fourty-six. Anna got out, fourty-five. Twenty got out at the Museum, so, we're down to twenty-five. And, wait, how many got out when our messengers were corrupted?"

"Uh," she looked through the notification history. "Aha! Seven fangirls got taken out by getting blown up by a Ghast in the Nether."

"You can go into the Nether?!" I asked. She shrugged. "Wait a second. We only have eighteen girls left?"

"Yep," she said. "Wonder what would happen if all the girls got taken out."

"Oh," I said. "Not all the girls would be taken out. We're staying in these Games. If we didn't, Bayani would win, and we cannot let that happen."

"I agree," she said. "Wait, I just realized, Rin isn't here. Where is she?"

"Wait," I said. "Where is she? Did you send her somewhere?" She shook her head. "Should I send her a message?"

She nodded and I took the messenger out of my pocket.

Where are you? I sent.

Ran into trouble, she replied.

You okay?

Yep, just in hiding.

Meet us when you can. Wait, who's chasing you?

Vasehh, don't worry, I got a plan to get him out. Got to go, I'll meet with you guys soon.

"Yeah, she ran into trouble, but she's okay," I said. "She's going to get Vasehh out apparently."

"Okay, hope she does well," she said. "What now?"

"Well, I don't think I could go to sleep tonight, with Bayani and his new team. So, you wanna stay up for a little bit tonight?" She nodded and smiled.

"We still should find a place to stay for tonight, though," she said. I nodded and we went to the edge of the forest, picking trees close to the Spawn. We set up camp, settling in for the night. I stayed up longer than Lilly.


"Hello little lady," I heard a voice say from under me. I recognized it as Bayani, always calling us little.

"Listen, fucker, I'm tired. Can't we wait for morning for me to try to put you into a trap, then you pull me into a trap and then I escape?"

"Listen, Jordanne," he said. He actually used my real name, so I knew something was up. "I won't pull you into anymore traps."

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"Listen," He said. "We just wanna make a deal with you. We sense something special in you, Lilly, and your little friend. We want to get you on our side."

"Well," I said. "Wait, what do you mean by 'we'?" I asked, using my fingers for quotation marks.

"Oh, just the guys," at that time, Grape, Tomahawk, and H came out. "So, about the deal?"

I looked over at Lilly, who was fast asleep on the tree beside me. I looked down at them. "I'm listening."

He smiled and told me to follow him. I jumped down the tree and decided to leave Lilly a message. We went into the forest where the first signs of dawn were coming up.


Author's Note

Hey guys, what's up?

So, um, I have become the school mascot this year. Yay, but also, if chapters are up later in the day than usual, just know I probably had to go to a game or something.

Anyways, Lilly will greet you on FRIDAY. Friday is a really good day, but Saturday is an even better day. Anyways, I'm rambling on about nothing, so I'll see you guys next Tuesday.

Until next chapter.


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