Chapter Seventeen

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Jordanne's POV

I wasn't really sad about the whole Rin getting out thing. I didn't know her too well, so, I can't really be sad about it.

I think Lilly felt the same way, I mean, she wasn't breaking down crying. The thing that bummed me, besides for losing a teammate, was that we didn't get the shock bow, not even the regular bow.

Wow I thought to myself. You're greedy.

"Jordanne!" Lilly yelled into my ear, making jump. I looked up at her. "God damn, I've been yelling your name for like five minutes."

"Sorry," I said. "I was just, thinking."

"Yeah, I could tell. You could've fell into one of the fuckboy's traps with how much you were paying attention."

"Yeah yeah, but I didn't, now did I? What did you want that caused five minutes of yelling anyways?"

"Do you still have the watch?"

"No," I said sarcastically. "It's just on my wrist." I said. I held up my wrist to see no watch. "God damnit, where did it go?"

"Like I would know," Lilly said.

"Well, we gotta find it, it's important in a plan I have."

"Okay, we will, calm down."

So, we searched for the damn watch.


After about twenty minutes of searching the ground around the perimeter of out base, Lilly got my attention.

"Jordanne," she said. I turned my attention to her. She was holding up the watch. "Found it."

"Where?" I asked.

"In your bag," she said. I facepalmed in my stupidity. "Was that not the first place you looked?"

"No, why was it in my bag?"

"You put it there I'm guessing."

Again, facepalmed.


Bayani's POV

The guys had gone looking for more girls. I had stayed at the base, set up a couple more traps, now just chilling under a tree. Suddenly, I heard a voice behind me. A girl voice.

"You think anyone's dumb enough to fall for these traps?" She said. I turned around to see a tall girl with brown hair and, wait, is that a tattoo? I didn't know any of the girls had tattoos. Whatever.

"Oh, some are," I said. I thought about the girls. "Got three girls trapped and got one out."

"Impressive," she said. "Anyways, you could improve it by tying this rope to this tree branch." She pointed to what she was talking about. "That way it's more neat, concealed, and easier to catch girls."

"And why should I listen to you?" I asked. "Why am I chitchatting? I could get you out right now." I said. I held up the shock bow I had gotten in time from the girl I had gotten out.

"Because," she said. She leaned against the wall. "Girls trust me, I can lure them to you, basically, because I'm useful. And, I have this."

She held up a small item.

"Is that what I think it is?" I asked. She nodded.

"So, are you going to listen to my plan?"

I thought about it for a minute.

"I'm listening."


Jordanne's POV

"Okay, I get it," I said to Lilly. She's been teasing me about not searching my bag for the watch. "I'm dumb, I forgot about my backpack. I get it, now let's drop it."

I heard a thud behind me. I turned around to see Lilly's bag on the ground.

"That's not what I meant."

"Just trying to lighten the mood," she said. I just sighed. "Why you such a grumpy pants?"

"I'm not," I said. "I'm just not up for goofy stuff right now. I'm just trying to get the plan together. Speaking of which, we should probably lure someone else in."


"Devon, Straub, or Dolphin?"


"Got it," I said. I opened up Devon's name on the watch and started fighting a message.

Devon! I need you right now.

I got a reply.

Why? Who is this?

I texted back.

Not important right now. Anyways, a swarm swarm of fangirls chased me into the bank, I don't know how long until they find me. Hurry please, no time to waste!

I showed Lilly the message and she nodded in approval. We travelled to the bank and waited patiently for Devon.


"Hello?" I heard. I looked up to see a DevonGames looking around. I had hid behind a counter with Lilly a few counters away. "I've come to save the day."

I popped out from behind the counter, which seemed to startle him. I went in front of the door, blocking it. I pulled out a rose from my bag. I had seen it on the way, so why not get it? I handed it to Devon, who looked very confused. I nodded at Lilly.

Since Devon was facing me, she was able to sneak up on him. She hugged him from the back and I got him from the front.

Soon the messengers and watches went off and Devon disappeared in smoke, the rose still in his hand.

Lilly had managed to get the watch before he got out, so now we each had a watch.

"Okay, next, you get Straub and I get Dolphin, get it?"

"Got it."




Heyo! It's Tuesday, which me *dramatic pause* JORDANNE UPLOADS A CHAPTER! Sorry for it being up so late, I had stayed up late one night and finished it, BUT WATTPAD DIDN'T SAVE IT!!!!

Also, IM SICK, YAY!!!

Well, I'm just going to go now, Lilly will see you Friday.

Until next chapter.


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