Chapter One

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Jordanne's POV

Lilly and I were standing in the middle of a long line with a bunch of other fangirls. The screaming of excitement had died down a bit and now people were just talking amongst themselves as we all waited to start the Games. I look over to my left to see that Lilly was talking to a girl with long hair that she died purple. We all got a backpack full of supplies, since we might be in the forest for sometime, that we packed with food of our choice and water. Mine had a couple of jars of crunchy peanut butter, what can I say, I like peanut butter, water bottles, and some other stuff. We could always get food from spawn, so we didn't need much. I heard static from a speaker that wasn't in sight and looked up. Lilly and Purple had stopped talking when we heard the announcers voice.

"Welcome girls," the announcer said. It was only girls because it was The Fangirl Games. Makes sense right? "Thank you for coming out this year." That got screams and applause. Once it died down she continued. "I hope you're all excited because the Fangirl Games will start in a few minutes." More cheering. "And remember, they won't actually die. So when they quote and quote 'die', they will actually just be knocked out for a couple hours. Also, there is a way for the Fangirls to go out. If the Fangirls get attacked by Zombies, Spiders, Skeleton, or Creepers, there is a chance that you will be taken out of the Games. So be careful out there girls. And also you only pass out, you don't die."

"Now for the contestants. Graser10, HBomb94, ThatOneTomahawk, DevonMines, xBayani, ParkerGames, StacyPlays, KiingTong, KermitPlaysMC, TheCampingRusher, ChildDolphin, Defek7, MrMitch361, StrauberryJam, HeyImBee, DulJuice, Tybzi, Vasehh, FollowKevn, PatClone, and GrapeAppleSauce." After each name there was a cheer from the croud. "That is all the contestants of The Fangirl Games. Thank you, and have fun."

Everybody started cheering including Lilly and I. A girl with blond hair and green eyes around my age walked up beside me.

"Hi, I'm Anna," she said. I wasn't really much of a people person, but Anna seemed nice enough.

"I'm Jordanne," I said. I slapped Lilly's shoulder to get her to stop talking to Purple for a second. "And this is my friend Lilly. Anna, Lilly. Lilly, Anna." They shook hands and nodded at each other. Lilly then said bye and continued to talk to Purple.

"Can you believe we're going to meet our favorite Youtubers," she said with a gleam in her eyes.

"Oh, well you better believe it," I said. She giggled a little. "Anyways, you should probably get back with your group."

"Okay, bye," she said. She waved and ran a little back in the line. There was a clock that announced that we had 1:00 left before the Games started. Purple had left and Lilly was turned forward towards the arena. We looked ahead, too excited to talk. The clock said five seconds and I braced myself to run. I saw Lilly get ready, too. I was a pretty fast runner myself, but I didn't know about Lilly. I decided that I would run and still be in a reasonable distance.

The clock rang loudly and I booked it with some other girls who were also fast. Then I remembered Lilly and turned my head to see that she was a couple girls behind. Most of the girls went to spawn, which I knew like the back of my hand, whereas Lilly, who was keeping up surprisingly, and I with a couple other girls ran into the forest. The forest was quite big so soon it was just me and Lilly left. We kept running a bit more until I decided that we far enough from other people.

"Can. You. Stop. Running. For like two seconds?" Lilly said. She gasped for air between each word.

"I did," I said. I was out of breath but not as much as her. We stopped to catch our breath for a few seconds.

"Why didn't we go to spawn?" she asked. "We know that so much better than a forest."

"Well, so do the other girls," she gave me a 'huh' look. "The contestants aren't dumb, Lilly. They knew that most of the girls would go to spawn, so most of them would come here. Also, I don't like crowded areas."

"Oh," she said. I gave her a 'duh' look. "But Maria went to spawn. Also, we could get food there."

"Who's Maria," I asked. She gave me the 'duh' look back.

"The girl I was talking to," she said. "Who else would it be?"

"I don't know," I said. "Also, we have plenty of food in our backpacks, so we will be good for the time being. Let's set up someplace to stay for tonight, we don't want to get blown up by a Creeper."

"Okay, sounds good," she saluted me. We walked around for a bit until the sun started setting.

"We need to hurry," I said. I started climbing a big oak tree with Lilly trailing behind closely. I pulled myself onto a thick branch and put my backpack where my head would be when we slept. Lilly went to another thick branch and set up herself and instantly went to sleep. I watched the sun set and went to sleep myself.


I was awoken by a the sound of a twig snapping and saw my first monster. And just my luck, it was a Creeper. I looked at the ugly, sad, green, exploding creature. I stayed still and didn't dare to even move a muscle. I whispered up to Lilly to see if she'd wake up. She didn't, I tried again, but louder this time. Still, she snored away. I said it one last time as loud as I dared. She finally woke up and peered over her branch at me.

"What's your pro--" I cut her off by putting my finger over my mouth to keep her quiet. I pointed over to where the Creeper was. Her eyes followed and she gaped in horror. "Is that?" I nodded in response.



Hey guys, it's Jordanne, or TheFemaleWriterGirl. Anyways, so there is plenty of things we have planned for in the future. Also, I'm sorry for the short chapter. But, this book is going to be good, I hope.

So, I have a question, and you might have an answer. The question is, are you excited for this book? So I'm going to go now, because I have to go to bed because I'm going out of the state tomorrow. Well, technically not your tomorrow, but my tomorrow since I'm writing this before the day it's supposed to be published.

Anyways, I hope you liked this chapter. Until next chapter.


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