Chapter Nine

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Jordanne's POV

Bayani was going to pay for all he made us go through so far in the Games. He has a grudge on us that he wasn't letting slide anytime soon, all because I chased him out of a tree. Lilly seemed to notice me being pissed off demeanor.

"What's got you all worked up?" She asked.

"Oh, just the fuckboy who goes by the name of Bayani," I said. He was going to pay, big time.

"We need to get him out," Run said.

"I honestly like that idea," I said. "And this time, Tybzi won't be involved with this one."

They just nodded and we headed off to the Spawn direction.


We walked around Spawn for a while when we came across the Cat Café. Rin and I walked up to the door when Lilly spoke up.

"Uh, Jordanne," she said. I turned my head to her. "I'm allergic to cats, remember?" I just facepalmed to that.

"Well," I said. "We could go around and climb the ladder on the back," I suggested. They just shrugged and we went around to the back of the Café, complete with the Japanese garden, and climbed the ladder. I was the first to reach the top when I heard a person's, a female's voice. I put my finger up to my mouth, telling them to be quiet.

"Oh man," I heard the voice say. "Did I hear something. No Stacy, you're just paranoid. Just think, when you win these Games, you get to not go home with shame to Page and Molly. Oh, I hope I get to see Polly."

I recognized the voice, maybe with a little help from the talking, that it was Stacy. Of course she'd be at the Cat Café, I mean, it is her shop. I'm just surprised she didn't go to the Donkey Depot, the Mule Menagerie, or the Equine Emporium.

It was then that Rin decided she would slip on the latter, letting out a loud squeal. We heard Stacy get up quickly and decided to hide from her, wait her out if you will.

We heard a gasp behind us and turned around. There stood a surprised Graser.

"How many people are we going to find," I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Three," I heard someone else say. We turned towards the voice and found a smirking Bayani. "So, you little ladies got out of the trap, smart girls."

"Make that four," someone else said. H creeped out from around the corner, smiling.

"What the fuck," I said. I turned to Bayani. "You. You're behind this. You've wanted us out this whole time. Well, guess what, we aren't going out without a fight."

"Well," H stepped up. "There are four of us, and three of you. So, you're kinda outnumbered."

"Okay," I said. I turned to Rin and Lilly. "One of you get Stacy, the other one gets Graser, I'll go after the fuckboy."

"What about H?" Lilly asked.

"No one will go after him," I said. They shrugged. "Alright, time to end Bayani's shenanigans once and for all. Go!"

We all ran, Rin chasing Graser, Lilly trapping Stacy, and me going for Bayani. H had went a different way, hopefully to another fangirl. This time Bayani would be out for good, no more Mrs. Nice Girl.

We were running down the street, not stopping once to catch our breaths. He ran into the forest, me trailing behind him. We kept running for a few minutes until a Creeper spotted us. I took out my sword and poked it and ran away, causing the ground behind me to explode. Bayani looked back at the place where the Creeper used to be, causing him to get off track and trip over a tree root.

"Hahah," I laughed. "Curiosity killed the cat."

"Oh, but I'm not the cat, you are," he said. I looked at him in bewilderment. In response, he pointed to something behind me. I turned around to come face to face with a Spider. I screamed which caused it to leap on me, which in turn made me scream more. I started slashing randomly in the direction of the spider. I heard it let out a screech, opened my eyes, and saw it go up in a puff of black smoke.

"Hahah, you got attacked by a Spider." He said. I turned behind me to see him laughing, getting on his feet.

"Do you really want to laugh at me while I got this in my hand?" I asked, holding up the sword. He instantly stopped laughing, watching me with wide eyes. In an instant, he ran away, me running after him.


We ran and ran and ran. Suddenly, he stopped, without any warning, just stopped. I couldn't stop myself, causing me to run ahead of him. I ran into something hard, I looked up and all I saw was forest. I put my hand up to it, causing it to ripple a bit on touch. It was hard and cold under my hands. I put two and two together and figured we were at the edge of the map.

"Little lady," I heard Bayani say behind me. "Jordanne, snap out of it." I did as he said and turned around. "Good, now, come on out guys."

"Wha--" before I could finish my question, a couple guys I recognized came out from the trees. "H, Tomahawk, Grape, what are you guys doing here?"

"To take you out," H said. "Bayani asked for help, so, here we are."

I turned to Bayani. "You did this?" I asked, he nodded. "What the hell fucker?" He just shrugged. They started to close in on me. "Um, gotta go," I said. I ran away as fast as I could. I wouldn't go out without a fighting chance.



Hey guys. What's up? How are you? I hope you guys are doing good. So, brief rant, okay?

Okay, so my friend, not going to say names, has been starting drama. Now, I hate drama, I can't stand it. So I've just been ignoring her, because fuck the drama. I could go on and on, but you probably have other things to do.

Rant over.

Anyways, if you enjoyed this chapter remember to like, comment, and share with friends. Sharing is caring. Anyways, Lilly will see you next Friday. Until next chapter.


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