[Twenty Seven Point Five]

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.:Chapter Twenty Seven Point Five:.

♛Milena's POV♛

"Now, on your left you'll see-"

"The London Eye, yeah I already know."

"Shut up Jayden, I wasn't even talking to you."

"Mel, move! You're taking up all of your seat, and half of mine too!"

"Well it's not my fault I have a big bum."

"Hm, I quite like your b-"


We were driving along the Milennium Bridge and I was pointing things out here and there. I'd hired a seven-seater to fit us all in, but I was beginning to wonder if taking everyone on a trip was the right thing to do. Sitting right at the back were Eve and Jayden, and while Eve was enjoying herself, Jayden was acting like an ass. Next, in the middle row, Melissa and Marc had so much sexual frustration between them, it's a wonder they've only kissed a few times today. Then you have Neymar and I sitting at the front, with me being the driver. All in all, to the passers by, we probably looked like at dysfunctional family... with no parents or kids... Okay so we just looked like a rag tag group of teenagers.

"I'm hungry." Jayden moaned for what seemed the umpteenth time. We all groaned in annoyance. So far, we'd been all around Central London, been to all of the famous places and even done a spot of shopping, and the entire time Jayden complained about his stomach.

"Say that sentence one more time and I will hurt you." Eve threatened menacingly. The poor girl had an oaf for a boyfriend, however did she survive?

"Fine. My stomach is begging for food." He crossed his arms and smirked.

Eve balled up her fists in frustration. "I will not scream, I will not scream, I will not scr-"

"I'm starv-"


An astonished silence followed straight after. Gone was the rosy-cheeked, soft spoken Eve who was giggly and cute. In her place was an outspoken, sarcastic charm Queen and I bloody loved it.

"You go, girl!" I hollered, rounding a packed corner and narrowly avoiding skimming a Jeep that belonged to a balding man who looked like he could eat me alive if I so much as looked at him the wrong way.

"I love this city." Neymar sighed happily while the others were involved in their own conversations.

"I do too. It's such a calming place." I relaxed into my seat, lining up behind the long queue of traffic.

"Calming? London? There's a guy over there putting another guy in a choke hold and threatening to 'take him out for a cheeky Nandos with the top lads'. He even promises it will be 'banterlicious'." He pointed at a couple of guys probably in their late teens. I chuckled at the sight.

"A: he's just slinging his arm around him, you footballers are so dramatic sometimes." I giggled as Neymar rolled his eyes. "And B: he's not threatening him at all! A 'cheeky Nandos' is literally just going to Nandos with your friends and having a great time, a 'top lad' is someone who's a good friend and 'banterlicious' means it'll be hilarious. It's just British slang." I explained.

He made a face. "British slang is so weird."

"Ex-squeeze me, you're weird." I gasped dramatically.

"WATER! I SEE A LAKE! MILENA, I SEE A LAKE!" Melissa screeched in my ear, making the car and I jolt as she frantically pointed up ahead.

"YES I SEE THAT. I DO HAVE EYES, YOU KNOW." I yelled back at her and glared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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