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.:Chapter Eleven:.

Neymar's POV♚

I glanced up from my phone when Rafa stormed into my bedroom, red faced and practically shaking with fury. She was holding a knife in one hand with what looked like blood staining the other.

"What's up?" I casually asked her as I lay on my bed, not sounding interested in the slightest. This wasn't the first time she had been angered at my house. In fact, it was almost like a daily ritual.

"What's up? I'll tell you what's up. Your oven. That's what's up." She whispered, whipping away a hair that had gotten into her eyes. She looked crazy, absolutely mad, as she spoke.

I looked at her in confusion and urged her to explain.

"I was trying to be a good sister and bake you a cake, you know, as a sort of congratulations. It was going to be red, your favourite colour. But your oven decided not to cook it. At first, I thought it was my fault and made another one, remembering to turn the temperature up. But it burnt that one. Now I've run out of flour and you're not getting any cake." She said in one breath and walked out of the room. Oh, so the 'blood' was red food colouring.

I chased after her, dumbfounded. No cake? How am I supposed to live without cake?

"Wait wait wait! Are you sure you used the oven?" I questioned her.

"What sort of question is that? Of course I used the oven! How dumb do you think I am?" She gave me an exasperated look.

I didn't answer her question, staring down at my feet and anywhere else besides her. She growled in response.

"It's the top one, isn't it?" She finally asked me after our stare-down (which she lost). I broke out into a laugh; relieved by the news.

"R-Rafa," I tried to begin, but my uncontrollable giggles kept interrupting. "The top one is the grill. The bottom one is the oven." I couldn't help myself, and soon found myself clutching my stomach and gasping for breath, tears rolling down my cheeks.

She just stood there as shock washed over her. Stomping loudly, she simply walked out of the house, leaving me to listen to the sound my own laughter bouncing off of the highly decorated walls.

The distinct buzzing of my mobile phone nearby caused me to sober up and drag my feet towards the countertop on which it was laying on. I saw that I had received a message, and unlocked my phone within a millisecond.

From: Brazilian Queen

Nothing much, really. I just finished touring last month so I have absolute ages to do whatever I want. Thing is though, I don't know what to do lmao x

Ever since that message of gratitude I sent her a couple of days ago at the restaurant, Milena and I have been messaging each other non stop. I'd asked her what she was doing only a few minutes earlier. She's just so addictive to talk to. It's come to the point where if I had to choose between sleeping and talking to her, I'd pick the latter without a second's hesitation.

To: Brazilian Queen

How long are you in Brazil for? I have a few matches coming up but I can take you sightseeing whenever I'm free. How about it?

I pressed send and anxiously waited for her reply. Seconds turned into minutes as I bit my nails in despair, and soon enough my phone lit up and notified me of a message.

From: Brazilian Queen

Hmmm let's see. I have to go back to London to see my family and host an awards show but that's not until August-ish I think. Maybe end of July? But yeah, I'm in Brazil until then, might as well take you up on your offer ;)x 

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