[Twelve Point Five]

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.:Chapter Twelve Point Five:.

Neymar's POV♚

I woke up with a start, my alarm blaring at me from its place on the bedside table on the other side of the double bed.

"8:00 am." I groaned to myself, profusely wishing I could go back to sleep as I turned it off aggressively. It was match day, Brazil versus Mexico, and the entire team was meeting up for breakfast. Why they decided on 9:00 am was beyond me considering the match started at 1:00 pm. I could've slept the time away.

I swung my legs to the side and sat up on the bed. For a couple of minutes, I just slouched there with my eyes closed, occasionally swaying from side to side, letting my body slowly fall back to sleep.My alarm rang again, nearer my ear this time, and awakened me with a jolt. I straightened my back and sat bolt upright, my eyes flew open as I turned to glare at the alarm clock that was wailing continuously.

"Puta." I grumbled darkly as I turned it off, but then realised I was swearing at an alarm clock. Sighing loudly and swiping my face with my hand, I stood up and shuffled to the bathroom.

By the time I was done showering and getting ready, it was 8:30 am and the faint smell of toast was travelling upstairs. I jogged down the steps, taking two at a time because of how hungry I was.

"Good morning Neymar!" Rafaella smiled brightly as she fried an egg on the pan. "Breakfast?" She nodded her head at the table behind her, which was full of an assortment of breakfast goods. My mouth watered at the sight and my stomach growled in agreement.

"Good morning Rafa..." I replied skeptically. Normally, Rafa would only do something out of her way for someone when she wanted something really badly. "What do you want this time?" I leaned my elbow against the top of the chair.

She gasped. "Can't a girl make a delicious breakfast for her dearly beloved brother out of the pure kindness in her heart?" She emphasised the compliments.

"Not if it has anything to do with you." I raised an eyebrow as I threw a grape into my mouth.

"Fine." She gave up on maintaining a perfect posture and sighed. "Can you take me to meet the Dos Santos brothers today?" She pleaded with her puppy dog eyes.

"Giovani and Jonathan? Why?"

"Uh, no one can deny they're drop dead gorgeous." She clicked her fingers in a zigzag formation on the last three words.

"Uh, I can."

"Uh, well you're just weird."

"Uh, no, you are." I retorted smartly whilst popping another grape in my mouth. They were so good. "And no you can't see the Dos Santos brothers." I finalised, putting an end to the argument.

"Stop eating all the food!" She screamed and started hitting me with a random book. "It's not for you anymore!"

"You're hitting me with a book called 'Peace on Earth'! Will you stop?!" I tried to get away, but each time she'd grab me and hit me harder. "And what? Are you going to eat all that food by yourself?"

"No of course not. I'm going to eat it with a friend." She stopped hitting me and straightened out her clothes.

"And what friend would that be?" I scoffed and folded my arms.

"Peyton." She said simply and strutted out of the kitchen, leaving me to dwell in my shock.

"Oh and here's my ticket." She popped her head around the door frame and gave me a small, rectangular piece of paper. "Peyton and I are going to watch the match in the tv room." She had a smug smile on her face and in that moment, we both knew that she had won.

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