[Twenty Six]

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.:Chapter Twenty Six:.

♛Milena's POV♛

We'd arrived at Heathrow Airport in London an hour ago and were currently riding a taxi to the hotel where Marc and Mel were staying. I felt at home as we drove past the historic monuments, the rain blurring the windows perfectly. Ah yes, rain. It may be July and it may be summer, but that didn't stop the rain from pouring down on us majestically. I mean, was England even complete without some sort of precipitation? I don't think so.

"Are you excited?" I asked Neymar, who was looking at everything in awe. Upon hearing my voice, though, he turned to face me straight away.

"Extremely. I can't believe Marc's getting married. He still acts like he's five years old. He's the definition of a walking meme." He giggled at his own joke and I couldn't help but join in.

"Take it from someone who actually knew him when he was five, you're not wrong."

"What about you? Your two best friends are getting married - how are you feeling?"

I thought about it for a minute before replying. "To be honest, I'm pretty nervous. I mean, like you said, my two best friends are getting married. Does that mean they'd forget about me and move on with their married lives? Subtract me from the picture and add a couple kids and Marc's dog, Nina? It was different when they were dating because there was always that risk of them breaking up, but now it's the real thing, the done deal, and they can't back out of it. Unless, of course, they get a divorce, but God forbid that happens." I sighed. "A small part of me wants things to go back as they were, back when we were all infants and drinking juice out of cartons and colouring in outside the lines because we didn't know any better. But a larger part of me wants to go ahead, move forwards and see what happens. I don't know, maybe it'll end up surprising me." I shrugged.

"Here's your stop. That'll be £32.66 if you don't mind." The taxi driver said as we stopped outside a lustrous hotel. The marble walls were dirty with age, but that just added to the grand effect.

I paid the kind driver and was about to exit the car when he stopped me. "Um, my daughter is a huge fan, and I was wondering if I could get your autograph? It's her 13th birthday today, you see." The driver handed me a birthday card with my face on the front. I didn't even know they made these.

"Sure." I smiled, and began to write a message inside after asking, "What's her name?"

"Savanna." He replied proudly.

Dear Savanna,

Happy Birthday! I met your dad today, and I can safely say that he's the nicest guy I've ever met, seriously. Make him proud one day, okay? And by doing so, you'll make me proud as well. Never stop doing whatever it is that makes you happy (and never stop being one of my fans either :P)

Forever yours,

Milena da Rocha.

"Thank you so much. This will probably make her year." He chuckled and waved goodbye as we got out of the car with our luggage.

"Do you know what room they're staying in?" I asked Neymar when the taxi driver had driven off. He nodded in confirmation and we began walking up the steps to the posh building.

I felt so out of place in my slightly wet jeans, jumper and trainers, and I'm pretty sure Neymar did too since he was dressed the same. Nevertheless, we strolled up to the reception desk and asked for room 402. Since I was THE Milena da Rocha and more widely recognised here than Neymar was, the receptionist gave us the key without questioning our motives.

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