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.:Chapter Nine - A Thousand Miles:.

Milena's POV

I was making my way downtown, walking fast, faces passed - I was homebound. I'd just been shopping since my refrigerator was out of anything edible, and the only thing I had was water.

I was adorned in a blonde wig, a black fedora and huge sunglasses that were the size of half my face. I couldn't risk getting recognised, especially since I was wearing sweats (which were rapidly slipping off my frame) and a baby pink tank top. It was strange not being under the constant gaze of the public eye for once - people just dismissed me as a normal shopper, not worth any of their precious time. It was... weird.

"I'm home!" I bellowed to my empty apartment as I entered. It was a habit I had picked up since I was young, and it made living by myself less dreary. I mean yeah you can walk around in your underwear without having to worry about wearing clothes; yeah you can pee with the door open; and yeah you can eat whatever you want, whenever you want (in moderation, of course). But there isn't anyone there to make the place warmer and just homely. It makes me mad, literally crazy. I end up talking to the furniture, as demonstrated a few minutes ago.

Putting the groceries away proved to be harder than I had initially anticipated. I didn't know where to put things since there was actually nothing in the cupboards. So first, I had to plan where everything went - which cupboard was for what, where the pots and pans go, how much stuff I could fit in the fridge whilst still being able to close the door, you know. When I had finished that gruelling task, there was another waiting patiently for me. Organising everything and putting it into place was hard work, especially because I have no muscle whatsoever on any part of my body. Okay, that might be stretching the truth a little bit. I'm not stick-like, but I'm not a heavy muscle woman either. Just somewhere in between I'm guessing.

"Steady... steady... ste- oomph." The bag of flour had fallen on my head as I was trying to put it in one of the higher cupboards. Covered head to toe in the white powdery substance, I looked like a yeti. I coughed, and a cloud of flour spread around me. Groaning, I proceeded to tidy up the mess on the kitchen floor, but froze when the doorbell suddenly rang.

Ding dong

Ding dong

Ding dong

It carried on for a few more minutes until I finally came to my senses and cautiously walked up to the door. Tiptoeing to see through the peephole, I let out a squeal when I saw who it was.

"Melissa Alcàntara what are you doing here?!" I asked the brunette as I swung the door wide open. My eyes were popped out in surprise and my mouth was open in a large grin, probably making me look quite frightening since I hadn't washed the flour off of me.

Mel's stunned face blinked back at me. I don't think she'd been expecting the abominable snowman to open the door to her best friend's apartment.

"Milena...?" She asked fearfully.

I didn't let her speak any further as I engulfed her in a gigantic hug, some of the flour spilling on to her and dusting her army green Parker coat.

"No, it's Heinz Doofenshmirtz." I retorted, sarcasm dripping from every syllable as I let go of her.

She rubbed her chin and squinted at me. "I see the resemblance."

I just gaped at her serious face, before she broke out in an infectious toothy smile and lightly punched my shoulder. "Lighten up Mil! You're so gullible, I swear." She giggled and walked past me to flop down on the leather sofa in the living room.

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