[Twenty Five]

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.:Chapter Twenty Five:.

♛Milena's POV♛

"He was being completely unreasonable." I thought to myself as I almost tripped over yet another uneven slab of concrete. Steadying myself with both hands, I stopped for a moment to look around and take in my surroundings. My eyes were met with bushes, trees and all sorts of plants located everywhere as far as the eye could see. I slumped down on a large rock nearby.

I was well and truly lost.

I knew I shouldn't have just walked off like that but, hey, what's done is done. I can't go back now, mostly because I don't know how to get back. The rapidly decreasing phone signal made matters worse as I realised that it was almost 3 o'clock in the morning. Well then.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." I cursed myself over and over again. If the paps were to find me... oh God. I could almost see the headlines now.

Milena's Midnight Misadventure

The Death of a Damsel in Distress (you know, if they find me dead)

Milena's Weed Farm

And who knows what else?

I contemplated my movements for a minute or two before deciding it was best to keep moving; maybe I could bump into someone who could lead me home.

"Ugh." I groaned. I was wearing sandals and, although they were really cute, they dug into my toes every time I took a step, no matter how small. I checked my phone once more, praying that I could somehow make a call or something.

And my prayers were answered; with every metre I walked forwards, my phone signal would increase by a bar, and soon I had all five bars waiting to be used. I heaved a sigh of relief and hurriedly called someone. Anyone. The first contact I saw on my screen. The ominous beeping of the phone made me anxious and a knot formed in my stomach. I'll die if they don't answer, quite literally. Who knows how long I'll have a signal for? Soon, though, the beeping melded into a smooth, deep voice, and I felt at ease right away.

"Hello?" He asked, groggy with sleep. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused, and took my ear away from the speaker to check who I'd called.


Why was there a man on Claudia's phone...? More importantly, why did he sound like he'd just woken up. As far as I knew, Claudia didn't have a boyfriend or a brother, and that definitely did not sound like her father, seeing as the voice had an American accent. Unless...


I brought the phone back to my ear since I could hear squeaking noises coming out of it, a sign that whoever was on the other end was currently speaking.

"Are you going to talk? Hello? Who's there?" He sounded wider awake now, and I cringed at my situation. How on earth was I meant to talk to Claudia's 'boy toy' at 3 o'clock in the morning? This was just getting better and better.

"Uh, yeah, is Claudia there?" I asked uneasily. He told me to hold on as I heard shuffling on the other end, and then Claudia's tired voice answered.

"¿Qué?" What?

"Soy perdido." I'm lost

"¿Y? ¿Qué quieres que haga?" And? What do you want me to do?

"¡Ayudarme!" Help me!

"No. Soy muy cansada, idiota." No. I'm very tired, idiot.

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