Chapter Twelve- My Story

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May 18, 2017. 08:46.

My life was complicated.


I mean, one second I was fighting off Two-Face's goons in downtown Gotham as Nightingale, and the next second I was Emma Grayson again, rushing to meet a nine o'clock deadline in Boston.

"Good Luck!" Tim called over his shoulder as I flew off to the zeta-tubes, leaving him and Mara to hand over the goons to Commissioner Gordon and bring the data on Two-Face's escape to Bruce.

"Thanks! I'll need it!" I shouted back as I flew over Gotham's rooftops.

"Oh gosh," I muttered, changing into my regular clothes in the shelter of a public restroom. I checked the time on my watch. Thank goodness campus was only a couple black away.

"You're late," Aaron scolded me for the umpteenth time. I simply rolled my eyes and handed Karolina the spare copy of the guitar music. The piano melody would play over the background while I sang and she played guitar. I took my headphones from Ian, barely taking the time to make sure it was facing the right direction.

"Hey." Karolina squeezed my shoulder. "Breathe."

I looked up at the countdown. Two minutes until we went on the air.

I looked at the lyrics. Would they be enough? I knew they were original, but were they as good as Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez?

Karolina read the expression on my face. "This is your story. They won't be exactly like anyone else's, but if it's your story, it'll be good enough."

I caught sight of Kel in the sound booth with Aaron and Ian, and gave him a hesitant thumbs up.

Sweat beaded on my forehead, and my long-sleeved shirt felt stifling.

It's enough. I thought. Over and over again I repeated the words in my mind.

I thought about my song, about the words.

About a thirteen-year-old girl who just realized how brand-new the world was.

Karolina was right. This was my story.

But it wasn't just mine.

The words "On Air" flashed in front of me, and I went on automatic. I'd performed dozens of times before. This wouldn't be any different.

"Good Morning, Berklee!" Karolina cheered into the mic. Just like we'd agreed, she'd start it off today.

"Today we have a surprise for you all. Today, my partner, Emma, has written a special, original, song she wants to share with it all. Hope you enjoy it!"

On the signal, Ian pressed play on the piano solo.

""Fireflies" meets "I Wish You Would"," I thought to myself as Karolina played along.

I looked at Kel in the song booth, nodding in time to the music. Hopefully, he'd like the lyrics just as much.

Then, it was my turn.

Karolina stopped playing, and the piano quieted down.

I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and began to sing, just as I'd practiced.

"Like a fire that won't die,

Like a star as it stands in the sky,

You shine brighter than ever

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