One time

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I couldn't sleep last night..i just had to think about German so much. I think i decided something..but i'm not sure yet..I was talking to Robert. "And then she was like..i don't like salami pizza..and i was like wtf so I immediately dumped her cause I know this wasn't going anywhere you know.." he was just telling another stupid story but oh well it kinda made me forgot about my problems and smile a little.. "Haha yeah i totally understand.." i said while smiling at him friendly. Then i saw German coming our way. He smiled at me. I smiled back..feeling a little uncomfortable because of last night.."Angie, can i talk to you about something important, in my office..?" He said trying to look as serious as he could..but i knew what is was going to be about. "Sure, boss." And we walked into his office and locked the door. "So.." he said walking towards me and getting a little too close.. "Have you..decided yet?" He whispered into my ear. "Yeah, look German..i really liked it yesterday..i'm not gonna lie..but i just think it's..ahh..i..ahhh..oh goshh.." i couldn't finish my sentence 'cause he was kissing my neck sensually and wondering down my body with his big hands.. "German this is..ah..this is wrong.." "You love me..right? " "I dooo.." i moaned leaning my head back..fuck why did i say that. Fuck. "And i love you there's nothing wrong about this." He was kind of right...and it's okay..but just for once. One time. Then it's over and we're going back to normal. "Just one time, German." I whispered while putting my arms around his neck. "Good girl.." he said. I could feel him smiling while his face was burried into my neck..

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