Can't hold it back

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"Thank you madam, let's go in." He smiled and took me by my arm and lead me to the table. "Wow this all..for me?" My mouth fell open by seeing how much time and effort he had spent on me.. "Haha yeah, it's no big deal.." he said trying to sound shy cause he knows it is. "It is.." i walked towards him and kissed his cheek.


She..she..just kissed my cheek. I felt my cheeks turning red..we sat down at the table and began eating. "The food tastes amazing!" "Haha thanks." I said. I'm happy she thinks that way.. "So, you're having trouble with money?" I asked on a low voice cause i know it's a sensitive subject for her. She took a sip of her wine and answered.."yeah.." "It's okay Angie. We all have problems. You will get through this." I laid my hand on her shoulder and carresed it. "Thanks German." After we finished dinner we sat down on the couch. We had drunk a little...And I just couldn't stop staring at her.. "German you've been looking at me like that the whole night..why??" She laughed. I couldn't hold the words i wanted to speak the whole night any longer..I moved my head to her ear and whispered.."'Cause you're beautiful.."


He said i'm beautiful..and he didn't just say it..he whispered it into my really made me shiver and feel so warm inside..fuck..He gave me soft kisses in my neck.."German..ah..what are you doing?" I just couldn't help but moan softly.. "I can't hold it back any longer Angie.." he whispered again. "No, no..wait..ah..this is wrong.." i pushed him off of me even though i wanted him to continue so bad..

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