Turning the Tides

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 This is probably my best idea ever... or the stupidest.

Finn, Circe, and I race back to Piper's office. We run into some Supers wearing all white suits and masks that cover their entire faces (backup from General Hudson?) but we're able to defeat them and keep moving foreward. When we finally make it back to Piper's office I have my friends guard the door and I head straight to the computer. Something tells me that's she's using it to control the Olympians.

I sit down and begin typing but of course there's a lock. It says it needs a Genesis Employee to log in. Great. It's not like we have time to go run and get my dad or anything and I'm not computer savvy enough to hack it.

That's when I notice a fingerprint scanner on the side. It's a long shot but it just might work...

I press my finger down and wait nervously as the little loading wheel spins around and around. Finally, the words "Welcome, Evelyn Adams" scrolls across the screen. I'm in. I guess my "mom" was more involved with Genesis Labs then I thought. This is the first time I'm actually glad I share her DNA since  I first heard the news. 

It's not too hard to navigate through the program. There are files upon files of information on Project Genesis. On one screen I find a program that operates the mind control. It says its currently running. I play around a little bit and it explains that the the Supers under her control will listen to any order Piper gives. (Although it doesn't show which Supers are under her control which explains how Circe was able to blend in these last two weeks.)

It's all of Pipers work in one place.

I play around with the computer a bit and find a way to wipe the hard drive. It'd delete all her work and stop the program. That'd free all the Supers... at least I think it will.

I hesitantly type in a few more commands a text box pops up. It says,  "Are you sure you'd like to terminate all programs? Yes or No?" 

Wow that's tempting. One little click and I can end this once and for all. But can I really follow through without knowing all the effects it could have after? What if, once I click the button it messes up the Olympians even worse or make them go psychotic? 


The door swings open and I swivel around to see my friends thrown against the against the wall and crumple down to the floor. A pissed off looking Atlas stands in the doorway. "Step away from the computer Mack."

I glance back at the screen. Yes or No?

No time to weigh my options. No time to think about a better plan. 

Atlas follows my gaze, "Don't do it. If you do-."


I press down on the button and Atlas' eyes glaze over. He stumbles back clutching his skull. "What did you do to me?"

"I'm not really sure," I shrug apologetically, "Sorry." 

 "Everything's different. Clearer somehow," he tells me. From beside him, Finn has just picked himself off the ground and is ready to strike if Atlas tries anything funny. 

"It's because you aren't all screwed up in the brain anymore," Circe says as she floats to her feet, "You're welcome." 

Atlas looks at a loss for words. He gives me an angry look before racing out of the room. 

I think... I think it worked. 

The Olympians are no longer Piper's pawns. But what about Levi? He's at another location and had a lot more tinkering done on his brain. I have no way of telling if he was freed of mind control too.

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