Blast from the Past

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 After a brief but very fulfilling make out session, Levi flies us down to Mooney Park, the one by my old house where I used to go running. It's so dark I can barely see except for the stars up above and it's practically empty considering it's so early in the morning.

"Is the part where we hold hands and talk about our feelings?" Levi groans, making a face.

"Feelings? Yes. Holding hands is optional," I joke as we stroll along the walking path.

We walk in silence for a bit before Levi speaks up again. "Ok, I'll give. So like are we, uh, a thing?"

It takes all my willpower to refrain from giggling. Mr. Tough Guy Levi is acting all flustered over me. It's adorable.

"Levi, are you trying to DTR?" I ask with a grin.


"Define the relationship," I explain, "If I didn't know any better I'd say you're in love with me."

"Woah, slow your roll Mack. I didn't say anything about love," he says with a smile, "I like you though. I lot."

"I don't love you too."

Despite myself I feel all bubbly like some silly teenage girl with a crush. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach and part of me is tempted to tackle Levi again so we can kiss some more. The more controlled side of me settles for walking side by side in the moonlight.

I'm not an idiot. I know one kiss doesn't mean we're super duper in love or going to live happily ever after or something stupid like that. But we like each other and now that it's out in the open everything seems so much easier.

"Hold on," Levi says suddenly, "I think someone's here."

"Well it's a public park so..."

"No. It's a Super."

Great. It's like the universe won't let be happy for more than five minutes before throwing something my way that'll mess it all up. Another Super? What Olympian is it this time?"

I notice something flying through the sky. The figure gets closer and closer, rocketing towards us, until it crashes to the ground. The concrete ripples out under it's feet.

"Get back," Levi orders, pushing me behind him.

The figure stands up with a dark hood covering it's face. I feel my heartbeat start to quicken and instinctively reach towards my purse. I'm carrying the Cure gun with two copies of the Cure and the Super Whistle that I made sure to pick up after my fight with Pollux. I make sure never to leave the house unprepared but I can't use the Cure unless I have a clear shot and I can't use the whistle without hurting Levi.

I watch Levi stiffen, his eyes turn icy. "You!"

I'm about to ask what the heck is going on but there's not enough time. Levi rushes forward and the other Super meets him head on. They collide mid-air and cause a sonic boom strong enough to throw me back on my butt.

I stumble to my feet as I watch the scene unfolds before me.

Levi and the Super send punches back and forth, skillfully dodging each other so lightning quick my eyes can barely keep up.

"Hey! Stop it!" I yell, but they both ignore me.

Levi kicks over a light pole, catches it in his hands, and uses it like a baseball bat to swing the Super halfway into the stratosphere. It's only a second later the Super comes flying back down like a missile and cannonballs right where Levi is standing. Of course, they're both ok even though there's now a crater in the middle of the park.

The Super then rushes towards a statue of Dr. Mooney, the parks namesake, and rips off the head as if the whole thing were made of clay not concrete. The Super hurls the bowling ball sized head right at Levi and it smashes into a million pieces against his face. Levi stumbles back, shaking dust out of his hair.

I still can't figure out who it is. It's obviously a dude but which one? Midas? Orion? Pollux? Atlas? Whoever it is it putting up one heck of a fight. He's practically on par with Levi.

"I don't want to fight you," the Super says.

"That's too bad because I really want to fight you," Levi snaps back as he grabs the Super by the foot, swings him around, and hurls him into the pond.

When the Super bursts back out he brings a tidal wave of water with him. Levi gets soaked and I even I get splashed. But the Super doesn't wait any time he goes to the bridge and begins ripping it apart board by board, hurling each piece at Levi. Levi dodges a few but gets hit enough times for him to change tactics. He bursts into the sky and the Super follows.

I try to follow, watching them hit back and forth, before realizing they're both bout to come crashing down. Good thing for track practices because I have to run as fast as I can to avoid being flattened by the brawling Supers.

"Watch it Levi!" I grumble.

Levi is oblivious though. He holds both his hands over his head and crashes them down to the ground. It causes a mini earthquake sending both me and the Super to the ground. Levi is about to lunge at the Super but the enemy shoots off and the two boys start blurring around the park faster and faster.

"Just stop fighting!" I try again as I pick myself up and brush off the dirt. It's useless. They're in an all out brawl and neither seems to even notice I'm here.

Ok screw it. No more Miss Nice Mack.

I reach into my purse and pull out the whistle. I blow into the whistle and both Super come crashing down to their knees, clutching their hands over their ears.

"Jeeze Mack cut it out," Levi strains.

I stop and shoot him a glare, "I wouldn't have had to do that if you actually listened to me!"

"Uh hello," Levi motion towards the other Super, "Sort in a fight here."

"Yah I noticed. You've ruined the park and almost killed me. Job well done," I cross my arms.

"Oh," Levi smiles sheepishly, "Sorry about that. Might have gotten a little carried away."

He zooms to my side and begins examining me for injuries.

"A little?" I grimace before turning my attention to the Super, "Who even is this guy?

Levi is silent and the Super is just standing there.

"Might as well tell her and get this other with," Levi says, "Once she realizes who you are she'll approve of me kicking your ass and then we can get back to the fighting."

The Super starts walking towards me. My instincts are to back away but I hold my ground.

Finally, when he's close enough he pulls back his hood. I gasp out and clench my fists.

"Hey Mack," he says with an awkward smile, "I'm back."

I'm torn between sending Levi to punch him again or punch him myself. I'd gone through this moment a million times in my head. All the things I'd yell at him, the names I'd call him. But now I just feel frozen.

Because standing in front of me is the one boy who ever broke my heart:


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