Welcome to Super Pal Club

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So, let's do a recap on the current state of Mackenzie Reyes:

I'm beyond angry at my father and not currently talking to him.

Cammie is beyond angry at me and we're not currently talking. 

A group of super humans are trying to attack me and my friends.

A pair of clones are annoyingly trying to win over my affection.

Basically, nothing is going right and but presently I'm especially fed up over that last point. Finn, Levi, and I are all in Finn's old hideout while I try to do some investigating on the Olympians. Emphasis on I, singular, because Finn and Levi have spent this entire time goofing around trying to one up each other.

I still haven't forgiven Finn but after he helped save me from those kidnappers last week I've decided I can be civil towards him. Although I still don't trust him I won't treat him coldly anymore. Finn took this to mean he can go back to acting like his old goofball self.

"Geeze, it's freezing in here," I mumble to myself as I type on the computer. A cold front had blown into Vertigo last night. Just when I thought winter was over everything got all frosty again.

"Leave it to me," Finn says and he zooms out the door.

Levi looks after him then to me. He looks like he's trying not to stoop down to Finn's antics, but then he looses and shouts "No I got it!" before chasing after him.

I sigh and a few minutes later Levi and Finn storm back into the hideouts each holding winter coats they must have ran all the way back to my house for.

"Which one do you pick?" Levi asks and I feel like he's talking about way more then just the jackets.

"Neither," I say, reaching into my backpack and pulling out a wool shawls, "I'm always prepared, remember?"

The boys mope and throw the jackets onto the table. Finn goes and collapses on the couch and Levi sits in the chair across from me. Both boys are wearing t-shirts because thanks to their super-ness they don't get cold. Now that's just unfair.

"You're staring," I tell Levi who hasn't taken his eyes off me. 

"I know," he says with a sly smirk, "I like looking at you."

I roll my eyes, "Yes. Everyone does. But it's distracting."

"What are you even doing?"

"Well I thought I figured out the Olympian headquarters but after our fight in the sewers they must have relocated. I'm trying to figure out where."

"You guys fought in the sewers?" Finn calls out from the couch where he's playing some racing game on the tv, "Glad I missed that one."

Levi zooms over and plays the game with him. They shoot insults back and forth but at least they're somewhat getting along. It's a little eerie watching them play side by side. They have the same mannerisms, they're sitting the same, the have the same look on their faces, and I don't even think they realize it. It's a wonder I can even tell them apart. It's just like I get the feeling who is who. The same way I had a feeling that if I jumped out of that plane they'd be there to catch me. Weird.

We're interrupted when there's a knock on the door.

Finn looks at me wide-eyed and I look back.

"Who is that?" Finn asks. No one knows about the hideout except for us three.

"Oh let me just use my x-ray vision to see through the door," I roll my eyes, "How should I know?"

"Go answer it," Finn says.

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