Looking to Score

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"Ok. This was too much glitter."

My best friend shimmies her way through the packed bleachers, leaving flurries of glitter falling behind her like a trail of breadcrumbs. She's dressed head to toe in the Vertigo High colors of blue and silver. A navy top, a metallic skirt, knee high socks with colored stripes, and her blonde hair is pulled back into curled pigtails tied with ribbons. Oh and there is glitter everywhere: on her shirt, smeared across her cheeks, all in her hair. She looks like she just crashed her car through a glitter factory.

"Maybe just a tad," I smile as I flick off a stray speckle of the stuff off my arm. I'm wearing a simple navy shirt with a picture of our mascot, the fighting Wombat, on the front. "You look cute though."

Cammie grins, "I know, right? Ah I just love school sporting events. I should have totally been a cheerleader cause I'd rock that uniform. Too bad I'm already busy with the play this semester and writing for the school paper and all those A.P. classes and of course being head of the Hero fan club."

"Ah yes, the Hero fan club," I tease, "Can't forget that important commitment."

Cammie's love for the Hero was only amplified this afternoon. She had burst into homeroom wearing her Hero t-shirt and squealing about how the Hero is finally back.

"I'm wearing the shirt under under my clothes right now," she grins at me.

Of course she is.

"And I made posters!"

Of course she did.

Cammie pulls a folded up poster from her tote and spreads it out wide, blocking the view of the rows behind her and earning a few harsh looks. It says #5 on the court, #1 in our hearts. Five is Mike's number. She pulls out another sign and hands it to me. This one says We wanna be Like Mike. I'm tempted to roll my eyes at the cheesiness but I know Cammie worked hard on it and it's for Mike. I guess I can be a little lame for my friends.

Cammie lets out a big woo and waves the poster wildly, practically slapping the kid behind her in the face. The team is warming up on the court but Mike pauses to look up and grin her way.

"How are you two even friends?" Levi asks from beside me. He's wearing a plain grey shirt and of course his glasses to disguise his identity, "You're nothing alike. She's super happy and annoyingly peppy and you're-"

"Don't finish that sentence," I interrupt before Levi can make some comment on how mean I am, "And be nice please."

Levi gives me a cheesy grin, "I'm always nice."

"You're rarely nice."

"Neither are you."

"Never said I was," I smile as I bop him on the head with my poster.

I stop our bickering to check on Cammie and make sure she hasn't angered any more fellow fans. But instead of the sign waving she's checking her phone. I can't help myself. I know it's bad etiquette but my eyes glance at her screen and then lock on the name she's texting.

"You're talking to Atlas?!" I ask her in disbelief.

Cammie looks up from her phone and gives me a sly look, "And you're peeping. But yah, he gave me his number at the coffee shop. I was totes going to tell you but we haven't had a time for girl talk lately cause Finn is always hanging around."

Atlas. The Super who is apart of the group that may be trying to kill me is also trying to make a move on my best friend. He can't be serious, right? The guy could possibly be in super villain territory. He can't be trusted.

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