Ladies' Choice

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"Finn?! Finn!" I cry out, shaking him. This isn't ok. He's a Super. He's supposed to be indestructible. "Please be ok Finn."

I try to call help over my earpiece but it must have broke in the water. I glance at the bridge but Levi and Circe still have their hands full.

"I'm not loosing you Finn," I whisper as I start doing CPR. I press against his chest and check for breathing but I don't even know if its working considering he's practically made of steel.

All my anger for Finn melts away. It doesn't matter what he did. It doesn't matter that he betrayed me. Some part of me deep down loves him and I'll do whatever it takes to save him,

Finally, he spits out the water and his eyes flicker open.

"Mack?" he says sleepily.

"Finn!" I call out, engulfing him in a hug.

Finn stretches his arms out, "I feel terrible... and you feel freezing. Are you okay?"

"Am I okay?" I laugh, "You were dead."

"And you saved me," he smiles, his eyes peering into mine. And then his eyes grow wide. "Watch out!"

Finn pushes me to the side just as a Super crash lands right were I was sitting. The ground shakes and when the dust clears I see Pollux standing menacingly with Finn at his feet. "Don' die on me kid. I'm supposed to bring you back alive," Pollux sneers before kicking Finn in the head, "Although if the Prime happens to die I'll just deal with the consequences."

"Leave him alone!" I shout, grabbing the whistle in my utility belt. Pollux rolls his eyes and rushes over, grabbing the whistle out of my hands and crushing it in his palm.

"And the sidekick is back," Pollux says to me, "I don't really need you now that we have the Prime." He grabs my face in his hand and with the flick of his wrist I'm sent flying to the side.

Clunk! I break the fall with my face. I feel a sharp pain in my nose and can feel the blood begin to drip down. EW!

Pollux stands over me and watches with amusement as I struggle to my feet.

"I beat you once, I'll do it again," I sigh. I stupidly try to lunge at him but he just holds me back by smooshing my face with his head. It causes another sharp pain and my blood runs down his arm and gets all over him. Double ew! 

"You beat me?" Pollux laughs, "Funny but if you say so, allow me to return the favor."

I feel my heart beat quicken as his grip tightens and I'm worried he's going to crush my skull.

"Leave Mack alone!"

Finn comes flying back out and tackles Pollux to the ground. The two begin wrestling and Finn begins hitting Pollux right in the face again and again and again. Finally, Pollux wiggles free, still covered in blood. He glances at Finn and then at me and then decides to make a break for it. 

I watch from the ground, clutching my nose.

"Geeze Mack, just hang on I got you," Finn says as he picks me up in his arms.

I'm cold and my nose hurts but for some reason I can only focus on the most pressing issue:

"That jerk got blood on my uniform," I complain. I'm wearing my all black suit and mask but right now its soaked in blood, "Not cool."

And then the world blurs.


I blink a few times, trying to adjust to the light. I'm back in my bedroom, wearing my favorite panel PJs, and a big fluffy blanket pulled over me.

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