Damsel (so not) in Distress

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Turns out being held hostage by a wannabe super villain isn't as fun as it sounds.

Usually I'm strapped up to the table having (painful) experiments performed on me. I'm not quite sure what Piper is looking for but it involves taking a lot of my blood. I know she's close and when she figures it out she'll no longer have any use for me. So I'll be dead. Fun stuff.

They've injected more of that black goo into my arms that I got stuck with when I first got captured. I'm pretty sure it just makes me pass out, I mean I hope that's all it does, but when ever they give it to me I just conk out and have more delusional dreams. That's been the highlight of this experience.

Piper has not been a very good host.

Currently, I'm handcuffed in the corner. I think it's about meal time but who really knows. My sense of time has been all messed up. Usually one of the Olympians will come in and set down a plate of gruel and leave without saying another word. I haven't seen any sight of Circe or Levi and I just hope they're ok.

The door creaks open and today the Olympian is Atlas. He walks over and sets a plate of grey covered mush in front of me.

"Wow, my favorite," I mutter as I poke at the gunk with my free hand. Seriously, they're treating my like a lab rat in this place. It's inhumane but then again I'm inhuman so who knows. 

Atlas lingers for a second, pulling a plastic wrapped chocolate chip cookie out of his pocket. "I know the food sucks so I snuck you something."

"Oh my hero!' I exclaim sarcastically, "That totally makes up for all of this." I make a motion towards the fact I'm currently locked up in a lab.

Atlas' face falls, "I was just trying to be nice."

"Yah you're a regular saint," I grumble. I know it's not really fair since Atlas is under Piper's control. Maybe he's not such a bad guy when he has his own free will but I'll never know. Although, I am curious about one thing. "Since we're being all chummy I have a question: Did you actually like Cammie? Or was that just apart of your evil plan?"
Atlas hesitates for a second before sighing. "Piper wanted us to create lives outside of the Olympian Squad. She though if we integrated with the public it'd make us more likable and trustworthy."

So it was a sham. If I wasn't handcuffed right now I'd slap him.

Atlas must notice my face because he continues, 'It started off as me doing my job but... I liked her Mack. A lot. She's cute and funny and she makes me happy. But then I kidnapped her best friend right in front of her so I think it's safe to say that relationship is over."

Hm. Atlas looks miserable and part of me actually believes him. I think back to all my interactions with the guy. In the burning building Atlas cared more about helping the citizens then getting Finn. He was the only to stop the car chase. Circe had said the Olympians all think of themselves as heroes but I think Atlas thinks that most of all.

"If you let me go I'll put in a good word for you," I try.

"I can't do that."

I shrug, "Worth a shot." Atlas leaves and I reluctantly eat the gross food. I refuse to eat his pity cookie.

A little later Piper comes in looking chipper as ever. Her long, blonde hair is pulled back like always into a ponytail. I can't help but key in on the long, ragged scar across her cheek. She must have gotten it in the lab explosion. If it wasn't for my current situation I might even feel a little bad for her. One of Pipers only redeeming qualities was that she was really pretty but now the effect is sort of lost.

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