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"Someone looks happy," Finn grins at me as I walk into lunch the following Monday. 

"I am happy. Weird, right? ," I smile back as I sit down next to him.

Finn had been surprisingly cool about me picking Levi and now we can go back to being friends.

The dance had been perfect. After Levi and I finished our mile high make out session we met up with Abbey and Mike (she had asked him) and danced the entire night away. Levi twirled and dipped me like a gentlemen and I think despite himself he even had fun. The only down part of the night was when I ran into Cammie and Atlas. She ignored me the entire night and he gave me a funny look but whatever.

Mike sits down on the other side of me. "Is this Levi or Finn?"

"I'm actually a third clone," Finn jokes and Mike turns to me with wide eyes.

"Just how many copies of the guy do you have Mack?"

"Only two," I laugh, "This is Finn. You can tell because he's the one who makes stupid jokes."

Finn gives me a thanks a lot look but Mike laughs.

Today is pizza day in the cafeteria and both boys have hearty stacks on their plates. Finn has somehow gotten sauce all other his hands and because apparently I'm everybody's mom I get up to grab some napkins.

Oomph! That's when I run into him. A hand grabs my shoulder to keep me from falling back but then it stays there, trapping me in place.

It's Atlas, looking as perfect as ever. "I feel like an idiot," he tells me.

I try to shrug away his hand to no avail. "Not going to argue on that one but want to fill me in on the why?"

"Because you're Mackenzie Reyes. That Mackenzie Reyes. Cammie just said your name was Mack but I never put it together until the Boss told me the truth."

A few people in the lunch room have noticed the hero and have started to gather around. I stare Atlas in the eye and my voice gets deadly low. "What do you want?"

Atlas looks stone cold. "I want the Prime. We know you're the sidekick."

That's when Finn comes to my side almost inhumanly fast and pushes himself between us. "Back off dude."

Atlas frowns, "And let me guess, this is the Hero."

Oh no. We're in trouble now. Finn and I exchange a look as I mentally make an escape plan.

"What's going on here?" Cammie asks as she pushes through the crowd still holding her lunch tray and steps next to Atlas. Her blonde hair is pulled back into curled ringlets and she has on a t-shirt with the Olympian Squad symbol on the front. 

By now we've created a bit of a scene. All eyes are on us.

Atlas raises his voice so everyone can hear. "Attention students of Vertigo High. The Hero and his sidekick are Vertigo City's most wanted criminals. As a member of the Olympian Squad it is my duty to bring them to justice. That Hero is Finn and the sidekick is Mackenzie Reyes." 

Awh crap.

There's a few gasps from the crowd. Finn sighs and flings off his stupid glasses. I stand tall beside him. I spot Mike in the crowd and mouth for him to call Levi and Circe.

"What?!" Cammie squeals looking all around the circle, "You're the Hero? Mack, why wouldn't you tell me?"

"It's sort of complicated and I'm really sorry and if your boyfriend wasn't trying to kill the Hero I'd totally explain everything to you," I groan.

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