Chapter 15: Professor

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A blue light flashed past my head. I looked back at where the curse came from. A woman was standing a few feet behind me. Her face was contorted with anger. She raised her wand ready go attack again, but I beat her to it.

“Expelliarmus!” And with that her wand with flying out of her hand.

“You think you’re better than everyone else, don’t you?” She took a step towards me. “Well you’re not!” She shook her head in a mocking way. “Dad left you and even your own mother despises you. No one wants you.”

As she walked towards me I walked backwards. I tripped and fell over a tree root, but she still continued to come towards me.

“At least I did the right thing and gave it away instead of keeping it and hating it like your so called mother.” 

She let out a horrid laugh and stood over me.

“You’re such a coward. You have your wand in your hand and you don’t even use it to defend yourself. Just like that night at Hogwarts.”

She walked away from me and picked up her wand. She twirled it in her hands menacingly. 

“Don’t worry, I won’t kill you. But you won’t remember anything after this.” She raised her wand and smirked at me.


I woke up dripping wet. The woman was from my previous dream. It had been 5 weeks since I had that dream or any other nightmare for that matter.

I glanced over at a sleeping Charlie. I was relieved I didn’t wake him. He needed his rest; in the morning he would be transferring a Horntail to Derry, Ireland for breeding.

I laid back down and tried to push the dream out of my mind. Why was this happening to me? I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep.

I woke up in bed alone. I sat there on the verge of tears because I’d never felt so alone in my life.

I got up and undressed to take a shower. The water hit me, but it was as if I couldn’t feel anything. My mind was ringing with the words she said, No one wants you. I quickly shook my head knowing that wasn’t true. Sure my mom was cold hearted, but I knew deep down inside she loved me. Even if my mom didn’t care for me I had Charlie and to be honest that’s all I ever needed.

As I got out of the shower a thought hit me, and I knew what I was going to do. It was time to visit Hogwarts once again.

I apparated to Kings Cross Station in hopes Platform 9 ¾ would be there. I walked until I was between Platforms 9 & 10. Memories flooded back as I stood there. My first time going through the wall I was in disbelief that all this was happening, now here I was eleven years later looking at the concrete wall like an idiot.

“Could you move Lady?” Said a small voice. I turned to see a young girl with all her Hogwarts supplies and an owl perched on top of it all.

“Oh! I’m sorry!” 

“It’s ok Lady!” She took off and disappeared within the wall.

I walked right behind her and saw hundreds of children and their parents getting ready to leave and say goodbye.

Was it really September already?

I got on the train and found an empty compartment to sit in. My mind drifted off to the first time I sat in these compartments.

A Fiery Love: A Charlie Weasley Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now