Chapter 3

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NOTE: Hey guys, thanks for all those reading this. It makes me super HAPPY! Anyway this is a bit of a filler chapter but I decided to upload it anyway. I needed to set up a few things and introduce Mason. You'll meet Jaxon in the next chapter or two. *evil laughs* I can't wait, but I can at the same time cause it's not written yet... and I'm rambling. Hope you like it : )

Chapter 3

Mason stumbled through the front door slightly inebriated, yet somehow managing to be quiet. His men had taken him out for a drink in order to celebrate the completion of the new Pearl District security program he’d created. He thanked Tim with a wave back to the street for seeing him home. He was in no condition to be driving his BMW Helicar. He’d have Carter drive him to work tomorrow.

He almost stumbled straight to his room but heard voices coming from the kitchen and decided to listen in. He’d just let them know he was home and then go to bed. Turning from the stairs, he moved closer, listening to his friends’ voices made him stop short.

“Should we tell the others about her?” Logan asked.

“Nothing for now, they’ll probably assume she’s a hesha the way you two did. I’ll let her know what a hesha is in the morning so she can get used to the idea and play along.” Law replied.

“So wait, we aren’t telling Jaxon or Mason?” Carter asked.

“No, Mason is head of Civilian Security in the Pearl District. I don’t want to put his job in jeopardy. Moreover, Jaxon, well he’s always been a stickler for the rules, not that I think he’d turn her in. You know how he is with women, even our sisters. He’s fine in “Doctor Mode” but he can’t be himself around them.” Law’s voice was so low Mason nearly missed what he’d said.

Logan laughed, “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about Jaxon’s ‘Robot Mode’. Awe the sweet, sweet memories. He never could talk to real women, though he does all right around the heshas I’ve intro’d him to. Could you imagine his reaction to the little piece of redheaded dynamite that is your sister Peyton?” Carter’s laughter joined Logan’s and finally Law followed suit.

Mason backed away from his spot near the kitchen. It sounded like they were talking about a woman. He got to the top of the stairs and snorted, “Naw, must be a new game of hypothetical.” He chuckled to himself as he stumbled into his room and flopped onto his bed, not bothering to change. He needed sleep now. He’d deal with the hangover tomorrow.

* * *

Sun streamed in through her window, hitting her face with its morning glow the same way it had all her life. She moaned and stretched under the covers before opening her eyes. She’d always been an instant riser. The moment her eyes opened, she was awake and alert. She noticed two things right off the bat. One was that her body didn’t hurt nearly as much as it had the night before. The second thing was a neatly folded pile of clothes on the pillow next to her.

Sitting up she ruffled through the clothes. A plain teal colored t-shirt, white underclothes, and plain jeans made up the pile. Peyton smiled warmly and rolled out of bed. Holding the pile close to her body, she made her way over to the on suite for a shower.

It was obvious that someone else had moved into her room. Her coconut-scented shampoo no longer sat on its usual shelf, replaced with a shampoo that smelled like tea tree oil. The soap was unscented and her pink razor was missing. She found a blue one on the sink in the bathroom and used it instead.

Peyton stepped out of the shower feeling human once again. Wrapping an oversized towel around her, she investigated her bathroom further. All of her makeup was gone, she couldn’t find any hair product, and her lucky headband was missing. Luckily, she found a hairbrush in the top drawer along with toothpaste and an unwrapped green toothbrush she could use. She quickly cleaned up and put the toothbrush in the holder next to the blue one that sat on the counter. After which she dressed and made her way to the kitchen.

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