Chapter Fifteen

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???'s POV'

Think I am gone? Huh. I don't think so. I have other trusted people and one of them is Isabel, she is one of the best fighters I have seen. I trained her to be good with battles. From weapons to fist fights, you name it. Speaking of her, did she finish her job with Celeste?

*Calling Izzy* (Short for Isabel)

Why the hell isn't she answering? Shit, please tell me nothing bad happened and ruined our plans...

After how many minutes that felt like an eternity, I arrived at the vacation house.

Isabel's (A.K.A ??) POV'

I can't believe that I worked for the wrong side the entire time! My boss got it all wrong! Celeste had an amnesia! She didn't know what happened and what she has done before! I bet she wouldn't have been living this way if she remembered the incident. I bet she would still be depressed or something.

Who am I convincing... I'm just thinking of excuses for me to stop pursuing the plan. Who knows if she was just acting that way so she can get away with everything she did. Just pursue the plan and everything will be over soon. Stop being a flake. Don't cower out.

When I was back at my right state of mind, I thought of going to Celeste's place tonight and check out her room for anything that may indicate something from her past.

Tonight will be the night I'll know the truth. Tonight will be the night I'll decide whether I finish the plan and kill her, or go on her side and warn her on what's about to happen next.

I want to know which side is the good side. I don't want to do anything that may hurt someone who didn't do something wrong.

As I went towards the house of Celeste, I felt like I was being watched. I couldn't help but feel like someone's looking at me. Since curiosity got the best of me, I looked at my back and saw no one. Hmm... Maybe I was just paranoid.

I continued heading towards her house when I still felt like someone was really following me. So being the protective self that I am, I held my pocket knife in my jacket as if it was a usual thing for me to do. I made it as discreet as possible so if ever there is someone following me, he or she wouldn't notice.

Before climbing the wall towards her house. I checked my phone if my hack worked on the cameras and was done. When I was sure it was done, I then went on what I was doing.

I continued walking towards her house and climbed through the wall at the right side of her house. I climbed on top of the tree near the wall and from there, I jumped on top of the wall. I slowly descended from there through a bush and landed on a grassy area.

I slowly crept towards the nearest second floor window and climbed on the first floor windowsill. From there, I jumped and grabbed the windowsill of the second floor window. I carried my weight and pushed myself upwards using both hands, nearly falling off the windowsill due to the lack of balance. Thankful for my hand that never left its grasp on the windowsill, I went ahead and opened the second floor window slowly, making sure I didn't give away my position.

When I was in, I checked my surroundings taking note of anything that might've determined whether I was noticed or not.

When I was finally sure that I wasn't seen, I slowly crept my way towards the room of Celeste.

I was in front of her room when the door suddenly opened. Shit! I immediately ran towards the nearest hiding place and didn't even dare look at who it was.

When I felt that no one was there, I decided to abort my plan and run towards the place I came from. I jumped off the second floor window and grabbed the windowsill, jumped on top of the first floor windowsill and finally landed on the grassy ground.

Suddenly, someone passed by in front of me. I thought he saw me, but fortunately he didn't. I noticed that the guy's features were so familiar, I chose to ignore it and went ahead towards where I ended earlier.

I was on the process of climbing back when I felt eyes on me again.

I thought it was just me being paranoid. I continued and reached where I came from earlier. I continued until I reached my house.

When I reached my front door, I looked for my keys in my pocket. Oh shit! Where'd I drop my keys?! Please tell me it's with me. I checked my surroundings and saw no one that could've possibly stolen it, and nothing that looked like a key on the ground.

I saw something move on the ground. I went towards the source and saw a knife gleaming on the floor.

My heart started hammering fast against my chest. I made sure my face remained calm, so whoever did this won't get satisfied of how I reacted. I won't let this person get the benefit. I checked my surroundings again and still saw no one.

Ugh! What's with this person? What does this person any from me?

I was about to scream and say "Come out!", when a guy came out of nowhere and lunged right at my stomach. It was a painful jab but I was so used to it, that I was able to ignore the pain.

I was about to hit his face, but his reflex was to fast that he was able to block it and kick me at my stomach which I felt like one of my ribs were fractured or something.

I was already coughing and spitting out a lot of blood, that I felt as if my body has no blood within it anymore.

I tried to stab him with my knife cheekily, but it was too late...


A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait again. Because life as a student is like hell and having writer's block just makes everything worse.

So let me talk about my writer's block, so that you guys'll understand why I can't update fast like a normal author.

My writer's block is annoying, because even if I write the simplest and shortest paragraph of all, my f*cking writer's block settles in as if like "Hey Imma move in with you and IDGAF if you say yes or no." I know... My life is like hell. My writer's block always gets in my way of writing stories, because as much as I want to write stories all the time, my writer's block gets in the way and I don't want a rubbish chapter. I update a chapter because I am satisfied of the outcome. Do you guys even have the slightest idea how many drafts I did before getting a chapter right? Even though I lack editing in most of my chapters, that's just my laziness kicking in. What I want from a chapter is the story in it, not based on how neat and edited it is, or how fast a book is updated. Please understand me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Don't forget to leave a vote, comment, and follow me if you haven't already. Also did you guys seriously think it was ??? who kidnapped Celeste? *insert evil smirk here*. It was Isabel (A.K.A ??) See the difference I did there? Isabel only has two question marks while the original one has three question marks. Got you guys there didn't I?

Seriously though. Bye!!!!

The Bad Boy Knows Me?! (ON HOLD, MAJOR EDITING NEEDED)Where stories live. Discover now