Chapter 15: Flash backs

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No ones POV: Andi walked our of Emma's house feeling hallow. For the first time in 3 weeks, she realized that her best friend was dead. Memories began flooding:
Andi was building a tower out of blocks, and it was the tallest one she had ever made. All the kids began circling around her, oohing and aahing as she stood of the chair to put the last block on, the star block, on the very tippy top. That's when Daniel came in with his fire truck. "Oh no!" He said." There's a fire in the building!" He said. "No thwews not, Dainhel!?"Andi said, very confused. She had never talked to this kid. "Vroom;vroom! Weeyoo weeeyoo!" He made the sound effects as he knocked into the building. "STAHP DAINHEL!"Andi exclaimed. She watched as her precious tower came crumbling to the ground. She went to the corner and cried.
At recess Andi sat alone. Everyone was crowding Maddie, because she had a brand new Barbie doll that said "I love you Maddie" when you pushed a button on her back, and Maddie said it costed one thousand-five hundred million-four thousand-eighty two dollars. Andi saw that doll at the Dollar Tree when her parents were shopping for Halloween decorations. It only costed a 75 cents. What a liar. Daniel, the same kid from before, walked yo to her slowly. "Go away!" Andi exclaimed. "I'm sorry for knocking your tower down, I was just playing." He apologized. "Here" he gave her a big yellow dandelion. "Woah! That's the biggest dandelion I've ever seen in my whole entire life!" Andi exclaimed. "Thank you" she said suddenly, remembering her manners.

3rd grade:
Andi was coloring a dinosaur for free time. Maddie was coloring a Barbie. Ugh Maddie. "Andi, when are you going to be a woman? Because currently, your not a woman. Your a MAN!" Maddie said. "Shut up Maddie!" Daniel told her off. "You should be flattered!" He said. "Why?" Maddie asked. "Because she's drawing a picture of you, didn't notice how the big wart in his nose matches the one on yours? Oh wait, my bad, that's just your nose" the whole class laughed. Andi grinned. "Thanks Daniel" she said. " No problem Andi. Someone had to say it, and if I didn't say it now, I would have said it later" Andi giggled.

6th grade:
"I got it! I got it!" Daniel called as he tried to catch the football. He fell over Andi. "Jesus Christ, Daniel, watch where you're going!" Andi exclaimed. Daniel didn't move. "Well, aren't you going to get your lazy self up off me?" Andi asked. "What's gonna stop me?" He asked. "Your perverted mind" Andi mumbled. Daniel laughed out loud.

10th grade, sophomore year of high school.
"HELP HER!" Andi screamed at Daniel as she pulled the hex away from the lockers. "Daniel!" Emma screamed. He grabbed her hand. "I got you!" He exclaimed. Emma went frail, and flew towards the lockers. " I love you!" She whimpered. "NO!" Daniel screamed as he grabbed hold of her. " I love you" he whispered.

End of flashbacks
A tear slid out of Andi's eye. She wiped it quickly and ran home, tears flying in the wind.

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