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"ARE YOU SURE YOU'RE FINE?" Wanda pressed on as she dragged a hairbrush through the blonde's hair. Her nimble fingers wove their way through Cara's hair, placing it into a messy bun.

"Wanda, I'm telling you, I'm fine," Cara said with a smile. Wanda stopped messing with her hair and looked back at Cara in the mirror. She gave her an 'are you sure?' look. "Wanda Maximoff, I promise you that I'm fine and if something is wrong, I will come to you. Okay?"

The brunette sighed and said, "Fine, fine. But if I even think something is wrong, I'm busting down that door, got it?"

"Yeah, yeah, thanks, Mom," Cara teased and with that, Wanda left the room with a smirk.

Truthfully, she wasn't okay. The moment the arrow connected with her forehead, she was thrown into another memory. Although it was quick, she could still remember the details.

She was about seven years ago, her brother and sister about eighteen. They stood on opposite sides of her, holding her small pale hands. Her sister's brown hair fell in her face as she looked down at the blonde, "Emma, you wanna go to the meadow again?"

The child's face beamed and she quickly nodded her head. "Yeah, yeah!" she shouted in glee. "Toby, Char, let's go!" Her gripped tightened on her siblings' hands as she pulled them behind her, both of them giving small laughs.

Her brother, Toby, looked up and pointed at the trees. "Emma, you see that?" She looked up, seeing the small brown birds in the branches, barely blending in with the trees. "Do you know what those are?"

Emma nodded her head. "Those are starlings!" she cried excitedly.

"Do you know what they do?" She shook her head. "They can copy any song you sing. Once one of them starts to sing, the rest take up the song and they can play an entire song through a forest. Since they mimic each other's songs, it will spread until every starling in the forest sings it. Whenever you hear one sing, remember we're with you."

It had ended the moment Pietro had set her down outside, when they both held her close to them when she was in pain. The chain around her neck seemed to get heavier.

Her breathing was heavy as she walked away from the bathroom mirror, sitting on her bed. She sat down on the bed, her hand around her neck. She felt the small charm around her throat, the metal cool on her warm skin. Cara took it off and stared at the small charm. The charm was just a small black bird in midflight, most likely a starling. Ever since she had woken up, that necklace had stayed with her always.

Her mind wandered to the people in her memory. In the few memories she had gotten, she had learned that her brother's name was Tobias - Toby for short - and her sister's name was Charlotte - Char or Lottie for short, but she mostly called her sister Char. Her siblings both had brown hair and eyes so it's possible that they were twins or one of them was older but they seemed to be the same age. She had also learned that her name was Emma and that she and her family lived in England. As far as she knew, she had no parents so like the Maximoffs, she was an orphan.

A small fast knock interrupted her thoughts as she stood up, dragging her feet to answer the hotel door. Behind it was Pietro with a bag of Doritos. He gave a sweet smile and stepped inside, shutting the door. "Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I brought chips," he said.

She nodded. "I can see that. But why? Did Wanda tell you to check on me? I told her that if something was wrong -"

"Wanda didn't send me." Pietro placed the chips by the bed as he walked further into her room. "Nice room, just like mine."

"Well, we all got the same room right next to each other." Cara sat on the bed and opened the bag, taking out a chip and popping it in her mouth. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he said awkwardly.

It was really awkward around the both; after the kiss, neither acted like anything had happened. But what could they say? Cara had kept telling herself to not succumb to her feelings and Pietro was still upset about her comment to Wanda about the kiss. Neither wanted to talk about it or bring it up so they didn't.

"How's your head?" Pietro said.

"It's been better."

He walked up to her. "Here let me see." He moved his calloused hands to move the hair from her face, revealing her forehead. The center of it wasn't as red as it had been just a few hours ago. He ran into the kitchen and less than a second later, he appeared with a bag of ice. Pietro pressed the bag against her forehead and Cara flinched at the sudden cold. "Sorry." He held it against her forehead for a bit before she took it out his hands.

"It's okay. I got it," she said in a quiet voice.

It was awkward with silence again.

"Can you, um... can you stay the night?" Cara said in a timid voice, unsure of herself. She had made a random excuse. She just wanted to be with him. With her memory just barely surfacing, she didn't want to be alone. "After today...I don't really want to be alone."

He chuckled. "Sure, lyubov'." (Love)

A/N: I gots a Spanish 3H test tomorrow and I want to cry :'(

But Cara and Pietro are adorable together. I've been thinking of a ship name for them but I'm not really good at that. So I hope you guys liked this chapter and the thirteenth chapter will be up by Friday. Bye guys!

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